Your crystal blue eyes
Your bright goofy smile
You put yourself first
Before anyone else
You're someone I look up to
That's a first
If you wish to
Get more notes
From me
Go to the roof at 9 pm
Your Secret Santa~
Argh, My heart! What's this feeling? I felt like my chest got stabbed by a spear. Ouch. But the letter was really nice. I could count a few people who could've wrote this for me. But they aren't supposed to reveal them selfs. I already wrote my Secret Santa to a certain someone..
Right. I just hope it's not too obvious who I wrote it to.
"Oi Yuki ..what's your letter say?" "It's really romantic," She swoons over the letter and I assume she's drooling over Golden. "Typical Yuki." I sigh. "You never know, Ash could be a really good writer!" "SHUT UP THAT'S THE LAST THING I WANNA THINK!" She cries And whimpers. I roll my eyes unwillingly and find Gon, Aubrey and Xandria. "Any guesses on who wrote to you?""I think Ash wrote to me," Gon said. "It seems really dark to me." Huh. And I thought he was writing to Yuki. "I think Alex wrote to me!" Aubrey laughs. Xandria looks over at her, "You really think it's me?" She mumbles. "I think Gon wrote to me." Xandria says stumbling over her words. "Gon?" "Yeah, he really really took time and described how beautiful my eyes were," she whispers blushing a bit. I instantly drown in jealously but say nothing and just nod. "I think Yuki wrote to me," I say letting my salty mood show. "Awe, that's sweet." Xandria replied.
Golden twirls in his chair, "I think one of you kids wrote to me." We all just stare at him with beady eyes, "No?" He replies. Ash floats back and forth, "Awe, my Secret Santa really wants a piece of me~"
Aubrey, Gon and I hit the gutter in our brains, literally. "I don't get it," Xandria says. "SHHH DON'T RUIN HER INNOCENCE!" Yuki barks. "Aww, another day then," Ash teases Yuki.
"There will be no other day without me hanging your head up above the fireplace like a deer's chopped head,""Noice! Cut me a piece of that," Ash replies really seductive.
"I'm not sleeping tonight." Aubrey gulps. "Same here," Gon shivers. I just stare at Yuki in disbelief, "Tragic."

Killua's Diary 2 キルアの日記 (Ask Killua#2)
Losowe|Killua's Diary|Sequel| Didn't expect to write another one, honestly.. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ