Inviting The Virgin (30)

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        Being in school after hours was strange. Most days it was hard enough to find walking space in these hallways and now they were empty. Jordan and I had snuck carefully through the east wing doors and up the stairs. The janitor had headphone’s on as he pushed a mop up and down the hallways.

        Jordan and I both crept as quietly as we could. Both of our bodies were pushed up against the lockers trying not to be seen. There wasn’t much of a plan to this. Both of us would just stare at each other hoping that one of us would instantly come up with an idea. Usually in between these walls I knew exactly what the answers were every time but I had no idea how to approach this. The only footsteps were our own and the lonesome janitor who had no idea what was coming. He made his way to the end of the hallway and both of us knew that we was about to turn around. We were stuck in the middle of the lockers with nowhere to turn.

        Both of us darted for the nearest door and luckily it opened. We dropped down to the floor while whistling walked right passed us. Jordan and I looked at each other with our chests heaving.

        “The chemistry lab,” Jordan said almost admiring it.

        We had opened the door to the AP chemistry laboratory. I spent almost two hours in this class three times a week. A crackling noise came from the radio attached at my hip. Pulling it from my waist band the small noise crackled again.

        “Janitor on the second floor is taken care of,” the voice said.

        “Good job. Wait for other teams to be ready,” Someone else’s voice replied to her.

        With someone already finished this task so quickly the pressure was building. There wasn’t much that I could do besides sit with my back against the door. With my feet extended I just looked at the class room. The white board was cleared and all the desks had been pushed and stacked to either side of the room. The table tops where most of the experiments were preformed were overly tidy. All the beakers, chemicals and papers were all properly put away. It seemed as if it was a completely different place.

        “I have an idea.” Jordan stood up looking through the small glass section.

        She raced towards the back of the room digging through the cupboards. She pulled out a couple beakers clinking them around when she did so. Crawling across the floor I joined her on the ground next to the drawers and cupboards.

        “I need you to grab that red bottle up there,” Jordan directed pointing in an upward direction without looking at me.

        “What is it called?” I asked her.

        “I don’t have time for this just grab the red one,” When she said it I couldn’t believe that she had

        Jordan had never been rude or snappy towards me, especially since we were a good match when it came to the knowledge department. I was under the impression that I knew this classroom just as well as she had but she was under a different notion.

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