Inviting The Virgin (31)

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It had been hours upon hours of very difficultly work. Every one of us was covered in paint, sweat and a look of desperation. There wasn’t a single soul that didn’t want to retire from this activity. Looking into the mirror I used a damp cloth to clean my face. The food that I had collected during the food fight was starting to smell horrible. Sweat and Chinese food wasn’t a good combination.

Nancy had told all of us to hit the showers and each of us headed into the women’s change room. There were small individual shower sections usually used after gym class. Personally, I didn’t like the thought of showering while someone was a foot away from you.

After all the girl had finished using the shower it was finally my turn. I was never one to interrupt and was always polite enough to let people a go ahead of me. Getting cleaned up and refreshed felt amazing beyond words. Once I had finished showering I stood awkwardly with a towel wrapped around my body not sure where we were going from here.

None of us had any clean clothes to actually change into.

“In coming. Please be wearing clothes everyone, Male coming through,” Someone called giving a loud knock on the door before opening.

Danny came through with a giant rack of clothes. It was one of those bars with wheels that you saw at most fashion stores. Each outfit was hanging off a hanger within a plastic bag keeping it from being dirtied.

A bright red appeared across Danny’s checks while he looked down at the floor. Being surrounded by half a dozen girls in towels would be most high school boys dream.

Without saying much else he darted from the room. Awkwardly, I walked up to the rack flipping through the hangers looking for the one with my name on it. It seemed as if this was the fifty percent off rack because everyone was sticking out their elbows prepared to jump someone.    

“The virgin,” Mimi said standing in front of my presenting my outfit for tonight.

A pink name tag was on the front with the words ‘the virgin’ written across it with a black sharpie. Rolling my eyes I grabbed it from her. Trying to lift my spirit she showed me hers which read ‘the hick’. Looking past the name tag I could see that her outfit consisted of a pair of shorts and a plaid shirt. As if Stella wasn’t clever enough to make anything less stereotypical outfit.

Getting into the bathroom stall I changed into my change of clothes which consisted of a bathing suit and barely anything to cover it. I looked like a slut.

Stepping out of my safe zone I saw as eyes looked directly at me. It was like being on stage again. With so much exposed I wanted to wrap my towel against my body. I wanted to go home and give up entirely.

“Damn!” Mimi shouted trying to boost any confidence that I had.

“I look like a tramp,” I sighed looking at myself in the mirror.

There was a time where this would have been acceptable in my polluted young mind but not tonight. The bathing suit was making my breasts sit higher than they should. My top showed off more than it should with bottoms that did the same.

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