Life Support

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The British Royal Family had never have anyone run off from their own wedding- actually William, Duke of Cambridge, believes that he had never heard of any royal who had the guts to run during their wedding day. Which is why, as days pass and he thinks about Harry's situation more, he found it more complicated. The whole world or those who are interested are divided; there are those who support Prince Harry's decision and there are those who doesn't. Unfortunately, the people who do not support him are more vocal about their thoughts and are much more heard with the use of social media and tabloids.

"This is absolutely outrageous." The king said as he sifted through the newspapers on his desk; carefully reading each headline one by one. William, who sat comfortably on the leather seat in front of him, remained silent and glanced out of the window. "This is upsetting."

William took a look at his father, "Even more upsetting for Isabella Clarke."

King Charles III looked up at his son, his glasses falling slightly but is caught by the bridge of his nose. "Especially for her." He agreed before returning to his task. "It was not her fault Harry chose her." He mumbled placing the newspaper he had just read to the side and starting to read a new one.

"She's not on the good side of the people right now." William spoke out inching his chair towards the table and looked at some of the papers. On numerous front pages, the pictures of Isabella wearing her doctor's coat are posted. To think that, usually, you think that a doctor is always respectable; however, in this case, Isabella Clarke is being dragged to the ground. "Confirmed, Homewrecker Doctor." He read one out loud before flinching.

Charles sighed and pushed away the papers lightly before leaning back. "People will always want someone or something to blame, William."

"It's unfair that she got it. It's not as if she wished for it."

"No one ever asked for it." The king said and William frowned. "It's just like when your mummy died; the people couldn't blame anyone else so they theorized that we murdered her."

William kept his mouth shut for a few minutes before he sighed and looked at his father inquiringly, "Can't we release a statement? Defend her at the very least. If she was Kate, I'll break protocols just for that."

"William, not now. If mummy doesn't agree to it, she has a reason."

The blonde sighed, "She's mad at Harry; of course she'll not agree to anything that will do neither Harry nor Bella good."

Charles nodded but said, "She'll come around. Let's just give her time."

William left after a few more minutes and went home to his apartment back in Kensington Palace being welcomed by George, Charlotte, and Kate who's carrying their newest bundle of joy. "How was it?" she asked after giving him a peck on the lips.

He shook his head and took the little baby out of Kate's arms. "He says to wait it out."

"But they're dragging her name through mud." She objected astonished at William's answer and she looked at him incredulously. "That's not right."

William sighed, "I know.." he agreed "But what can we do?"

Nothing. Catherine, being a woman who believes that there are only solutions, is thoroughly annoyed at that word. She continued cleaning the baby's bottles after her small talk with William. They can at least release a statement asking for respect. She thought staring intently at the running water before her. This is going to get out of control. I hope she doesn't get tired of this or Harry will go mad.

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