The Arsonist

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Thirty hours. He was gone for thirty hours.

Prince Harry is excited to come back to her arms; a bunch of red tulips that he had picked up from a florist lay on his lap. He traced a finger on the smooth petals thinking of the smile Isabella Clarke will surely give him.

"She loves red tulips, you know." He said happily towards Troy who sat beside him. "She always adores this flower."

The assistant smiled and nodded, "Truly."

Thirty hours. Thirty hours without her smile and it already felt like a lifetime for the prince.

The car stopped as the traffic that they had been threading on came on a full stop. "What is going on?" he asked leaning forward towards the front where his driver and PPO sat. "It's not even Friday night." He added on clearly impatient on getting back to Clarence House.

"There's a lot of press outside." Francis, his PPO, commented seeing the bunch of reporters standing outside a restaurant in South Kensington. "Something must have happened."

The prince groaned and fished his phone out of his pocket to call Bella. His frowned became deeper as her phone seems to be dead. Just as he's putting his phone back in his coat pocket, Troy's phone started ringing and the assistant picked it up.

"What?" Troy's voice sounded shocked and Harry's head turned to him with a curious expression on his face. "Yes. Yes, I'll tell him- What?" Troy asked again clearly learning something he hadn't expected and Harry noticed the blood drain from his face. "Yes. Yes. Thank you."

Harry watched Troy place his phone back to his coat slowly. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" he asked the assistant who seemed to have lost his voice or his will to speak with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open. "Troy! Tell me!"

"Your Royal Highness.." Troy trailed off and his voice cracked as he does not know how to tell the prince. "Something happened.."

"What is it?!" Harry yelled with his heart practically leaping off his throat. "Is it grandpa? Granny? Daddy?" he asked in a rush consequently not giving the assistant a chance to answer. "Tell me!"

And the assistant shook his head, finally giving out the news that scared the prince the most. "It's Miss Clarke."

Thirty hours. He was only gone for thirty hours.

The world slowed for him; he could feel every beat of his heart in his veins, his ears are ringing and he couldn't hear anything else. "She's fine, right? It's something minor." He said looking at Troy but, in reality, he's trying to assure himself as they drove to Mary Mediatrix where Bella was taken along with Abigail Simons and Henry Cavill.

But he received no answer from Troy.

Then they arrived at the hospital and Harry is quickly enveloped into a hug by a sobbing Georgia Clarke once he had entered the hospital. Harry can see Henry and Abi sitting on the floor in front of the Emergency Room hugging each other- Abigail Simons clearly shaking.

As he was led closer to the group, he saw the bright red stains on Henry's hands and on his clothes. Blood. Prince Harry knew whose it was. He knew and he felt his knees go weak that he leaned on the wall. As he did, the doors of the Emergency Room opened and the ringing on his ears came back. It felt like the air in his lungs was punched out as he saw her.

"Gerard. Gerard. How is she? Please-" Georgia Clarke cried as Gerard Clarke got out of the emergency room following the bed Isabella Clarke was lying at.

But the father of the woman he loved can only shake his head and kiss the top of his wife's head before running after his daughter.

Georgia Clarke started sobbing and, by instinct, Harry pulled her into a hug as tears started falling from his eyes as well.

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