Demons Within

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How can you prevent someone from loving you?

Isabella Clarke was left wide awake and staring at the ceiling as she lay down beside Harry. What did I do? She asked herself repeatedly trying to find an answer to her question. What did she do to make Henry Cavill fall in love with her.


She's not impressed by it nor is she flattered. Truthfully, it bothered her because she knew that somehow, she had lost a friend. For Isabella, Henry Cavill is important just like Abigail Simons and Genevieve Williamson.

"Who is it?" Harry called when someone knocked on their door and Bella shifted, pushing herself up on her elbows just in time to see Ginny poke her head at the door.

"Can we talk? Girls, I mean." She said looking at Bella who nodded.

Isabella followed Ginny still deep in thought and they reached the bar inside the Williamson chateau. Bella saw Abi by the bar, drinking what looked like a glass of whiskey not really paying attention to the two women who had joined her in the bar. "So, how's Harry?" Ginny asked walking behind the bar and pouring a shot for Isabella and herself.

"He's fine. I guess. Calm." Bella answered unsure taking the shot lightly on her hand before downing it quickly. "Can I have one more?"

Ginny scoffed smiling proudly, "You can have as many shots as you want." She responded towards the doctor who rolled her eyes in return.

"You don't want her drunk like the last time." Abi said haughtily making Bella took a glance at the dark skinned woman confused. "Just saying." She continued looking at Isabella.

Ginny gave her cousin a hard stare. Ever since they had heard Henry Cavill declaring love to the doctor, Abigail Simons seemed to change. Angry. And, Ginny tried to explain to Abi that Isabella Clarke, truthfully, is innocent on all accounts. But Abi, possibly blinded by jealousy or disappointment, could not comprehend how the doctor could possibly be innocent. "Abi." The redhead finally said slowly yet warningly.

Abigail shrugged and poured herself another shot, "I am just saying. You know, reminding her."

"I think she's old enough not to be reminded when or when not to get drunk." Ginny fired back noticing Bella confusedly look at both cousins. "She's not a kid."

However, Abi scoffed, "Sure seems like it." She said sarcastically making Bella's eyebrows rise. "I mean, no offence, she may act like a damsel in distress once again."

"What's up with you?" Bella asked as her curiosity finally took a hold of her and she looked at Abi who rolled her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

"Surely, Bella. You remember." Abi responded making Bella's confusion just become worse. "No superman can save you this time."

And Bella realized what Abigail is talking about. "Is this about Ginny's party?"

"Look, she's just being petty right now." Ginny said trying to diffuse the building tension between the two bestfriends. Obviously, she had been the one to bring the two on the same room but her intentions where good- she wanted the two to talk it out instead of Abi imagining things that never happened and blame Isabella Clarke. Oh how wrong I was. The redhead thought as Abi glared at Isabella Clarke.

"You don't sleep with a man who clearly has the hots for you then not expect for him to actually have feelings." Abi said in a matter-of-fact tone making Bella look at her in shock. "Oh we know, Saint Isabella."

"Me and Henry?" Isabella asked slowly, as if trying to decipher a riddle. "Wait. Are you saying that-"

Abi sighed rolling her eyes, "Yes. You and Henry slept together."

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