Welcome to the Alps

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Meghan Markle had been an angel in disguise for both Harry and Bella.

It didn't take long after Meghan left Isabella Clarke's clinic for Harry to receive a call from the doctor asking him to meet up at The Ivy for dinner that night. To say that the prince was ecstatic is an understatement as he panicked while on a call with William.

"Calm down." Prince William, Prince of Wales, reminded his brother who's obviously going through his closet in a storm. "Just pick normal clothes. You know, for date nights."

Harry sighed throwing a striped shirt he hadn't worn for too long at the pile on his floor. "This is different." He mumbled. "And her friend invited me to the Alps."

William sighed, positively giving up on calming his own brother. "And you're going?"

"Of course." Harry answered pulling a grey sweatshirt from his closet and looking at it closely. "I have to go."

"Does Isabella know you're going?"

And Harry's hand dropped to his side at the realization. Maybe Bella wants to talk to tell me that I shouldn't come with them. He thought going quiet for a few seconds before being pulled out of his thought by William clearing his throat. "Maybe. I mean, her friend was specific on me going. Something about giving Bella a reason to actually go with them." He answered before looking up at his closet once again. "I have nothing to wear."

"Seriously?" William's voice sounded aghast. "You have nothing to wear?" He clarified only receiving a hum from his brother. "I can't believe I'm doing this just for your date but I'm coming there to help out."

And, like he said, William had helped Harry picked out his outfit. "Don't I look too casual?" the ginger asked obviously tense.

Prince William laughed and joked, "I think you should go have a wank before you meet her. You know, so you stop being a sissy."

Isabella Clarke sat on a corner table in The Ivy fiddling with her fingers as she waited for a certain ginger haired prince. She had come before her nerves can take her rationality over and stop her from coming. She's scared. Honestly, she does not know what to say to the prince or how she can start everything. She looked up when someone sat in front of her and in that moment, she felt the familiar leap her heart does when she sees Harry.

All she wants is to hold him.

And they sat there, not talking. Just staring at each other; both hearts racing at the mere sight of each other. No matter what happens, as they realized at that moment, their feelings never changed. And she smiled making the prince smile as well. All is well. It felt like nothing happened. It felt like parts of their souls had come back.

"I missed you." She whispered and he could not take it.

Prince Harry stood up from his seat and walked the few steps in between him and the doctor before cupping her face and leaning down to kiss her tenderly. It was fire. How her lips felt on his made his head spin. And he felt out of breath when he pulled away, resting his forehead on top of hers for seconds with eyes closed. "God." He breathed out pulling away and looking at her intently. "I missed you too bad."

It was like nobody else existed but them that night.

For weeks, the two are almost attached at the hips. Everything felt different the second time around- different in a better way. The saying love is sweeter the second time around always ran through Harry's head as he stared off into space, luggage around him as he packed for their weekend in the French Alps with Bella's friends. For weeks, he had felt so sure of one thing.

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