Mother England

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It's a new world for Bella.

"Excuse me, please." Gerard Clarke helped Bella try to cover her face as flashes of cameras blinded them both. A swarm of photographers seem to be Bella's welcome back to England after months of going AWOL.

People are very much interested as to what she had been up to- much to her distaste.

However, she understood why and she's not going to flip. As Harry had put it to her on the phone before she got out of the airport- I'm sorry, love, but it comes along with me. Bella is aware of the public's perception of her. Some think that she stole Harry, some thinks that she shouldn't be blamed, and some thinks that she is a witch that had cast a spell at the prince. She ruined a fairytale wedding. And although, technically, she didn't take part into pushing Harry to be stolen, she still knew that she would get most of the backlash.

So, she chose to be the better person and keep her head down and don't say anything.

Gerard Clarke closed the passenger seat after Bella had gotten in before running towards the driver's seat. "These people." He grumbed under his breath before driving out of his spot. "Don't they know space?"

"Dad. It's fine." Bella smiled touching his hand that's resting on the shifting gear. "They'll get sick one of these days." She continued pulling away her hand and resting it on her lap.

"I sure hope so." The father huffed before sending a glance towards his daughter. "Why didn't Harry send some people or something?"

Bella just smiled at her father, "I'll be fine, dad. There is no need for that. Harry is busy enough so we needn't pressure him more."

"As always."

"Dad. Please."

"It just worries me, Bella. This is not going to be San Diego where you can walk around unrecognized most times." He explained sending a glance towards his daughter. "I don't want anything happening to you just because you chose to be involved with royalty- or this relationship which started as a scandal and-"

"-dad.." Bella said stopping her father's rant. "I'll be fine, I promise."

"You better be or I'm having a royal head for dinner."

Bella laughed shaking her head at her father. They continued their drive to their home in comfortable silence. Truthfully, Bella knew that her stay in San Diego was a warm-up for England. She knows that she had been followed, photographed, and wrote about the past months; yes, even though she tried her best not to, she is absolutely curious as to what is being written about her. It was an absolute hassle, especially for Harry, because he had to be creative in finding ways to see her- even went as far as pretending as a pizza delivery guy just to sneak in.

It made her laugh a lot though. During that time, she didn't know that Harry is coming and so she was massively surprised when he appeared at her door wearing a delivery boy's uniform. For months, the press didn't catch up to Harry's creativeness- and it was all fun. But, England is going to be a whole different story.

Bella is sure of that- even Harry is aware of that.

They reached Bella's house and right outside her gates are another group of paparazzi- she ducked her head as they passed by them and only sat up straight when she's sure that her father had already closed her gates. After the car stopped, Bella quickly got down from the car and jogged up the steps of her home- absolutely happy to be able to step foot in it again.


Bella gave out a light laugh as her mother along with both Bella's grandparents are inside holding balloons and cakes. "Oh my God!" she gushed happily walking over to them and giving each a hug. "Granpa Fred and Granma Molly!"

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