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I stood there, together with everyone I know... yet I still felt all alone.
"But what happened to Lukas?" I asked and looked at Mathias' cold eyes. "I saw both of you die."
"Do you really think I'm incapable of making you believe like that?" He said and raised on of his eyebrows in a sign of superiority. I knew he does that to make me shut up, but I wanted answers. "My memories didn't return to me, but it was obvious to me how you felt back then. That didn't seem an act to me." I looked up to see the rest of the demons around the throne. Non of them reacted, not even Mathias who usually would shut me up immediately. "And also, was your sickness..." I stuttered, not knowing if I should continue. "Was your sickness also an act or was it payment for the risk you took?"
There was silence. Nobody spoke, not even the hostages. Mathias stood up and walked down until he was two steps above me. I stood up as well, but I didn't dare to look into his eyes.
"So you know about the risk? How clever of you to figure it out without all of your memories." He said and put his palm on top of my head, not out of affection but rather of submission. "Tell me, how long did it take you to figure it out?"
"As soon as I saw you... master." I said and Mathias removed his hand. "I know you used my ability to remove any threat there was to the clan and then-"
"And then I used Leon's ability to turn back all of our lifespans, thus starting anew among those faries, as humans call them." Mathias said and retired to his throne. I looked at him, only to see his proud face. "I knew the risk of copying your abilities, but I had to do it in order to save my people."
"But what about the plan we had?" I asked. I knew there was a plan we needed to do to revive the clan, but as I see it now, it's all a waste. All the demons were here, and there was no need for me to turn into that awful form, but unfortunately the process has began.
"Oh, you will turn. We need your ability to wipe those faries out." As soon he said that, I heard gasps behind me. I frowned. No matter how much I hated those people in the past, they still took me in, helping me find my so called parents. What a pity they had to die.
"I'm sorry." I whispered low enough that Mathias couldn't hear, but high enough so that Elizabeta could hear me. I looked at her, still kneeled in front of the stairs, her gaze pointed between her feet. I couldn't see her face clearly, but I could presume how hard she's taking it all in now.
I turned around to face all those scared and helpless faces. I tried to remove any emotions from my face, but I could still see how sacred my eyes were from the reflection of their faces. All those faries were trembling, but most of their eyes were stone hard, accepting their fate with bravery.
I felt the cold scales forming around my body, covering every visible skin. I knelt in front of the cages, my shirt ripping from the force of the wings that could finally be set free from their long prison. They sprung free, black and threatening, dark blood dripping off of them. I could feel how heavy they felt on my back, their were atleast twice my size and width, but the more I wove them, the lighter they feel. There were no feathers, only the membrane forming between every joint.
Black flames started forming around me and I felt my whole body turning. I became the monster I feared all these years. I feared because I thought it would consume me, but now I see clearly. I never felt so free in my life. As I opened my eyes after the transformation, I saw them trembling I fewr, their eyes stoped holding that bravery that I admired earlier. Some didn't look, others couldn't look away.
Of course they'd do that, it's not everyday you see a dragon.

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