A New Beginning, A New Ending

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*Mathias's point of view*
Turns out this was another failure.
After so much planning this time and Emil still went looking for Lukas.
It pained my heart to stop him, but I didn't have a choice.
Last time I stopped him, he got himself killed. The other time I erased his memories of Lukas, but that only drove him insane. So many attempts and I still didn't get the right choice. No matter how many times I restart this life of ours, it still finds it original path. The path of war... the path of death.

I picked up Emil from the ground and went towards Leon and Elizabeta. All of them were unconscious, which made my job easier to do.
I made a small cut in each of their wrists, not deep enough to be fatal, but just enough to draw enough blood. After so many times of doing this through the years, I might have become of expert.
As the blood started to flow, I drank from each one, starting from Leon which represented life, then to Elizabeta who still failed to realise her fire was the will of life and the pain of death, and finally with Emil who represented death and destruction.
Each time I make this spell, I feel my strength getting weaker. I'm afraid that by the end of my strength, there wouldn't be a change in this fated path. I desperately try each time to change it, to change the fate of us demons. It's not fair for those damn faries to get whatever they desire, while demons just stare from the side lines. We wanted to change that.... that's why this always happens. It all ends with our death.
The first time was the war that started this cycle of rebirth. We were in the brink of extinction. Then for the next two thousand years, all the cycles ended up in failures to find happiness. Two thousand years of suffering and I was the only one seeing it. The only one that feels the weight of all those years. For Emil and the others it only passed around ten years, depending on how long each path takes to return to the main one, they never remembered their last attempts, only what happaned before the war.

I slowly walked towards Lukas...

I kneeled next to him, hesitating if I should pull him towards myself.
I'm not used to see him being the dead one, it was always either me or Emil until...

"I knew." A faint whisper, almost unheard, escaped Lukas's mouth.
Ah, yeah, how could I forget?
He didn't die.
"I didn't know you finally mastered the freezing heart spell." I said, my voice as soft as possible. Lukas, opened his eyes slowly, his hand reaching for mine. His movement were slow and painful for me to watch, knowing that it caused him immense pain only breathing.
"I had two thousand years to practice." He said and smiled gently.
"You knew..." I said more as a statement rather than a question.
"Then why didn't you tell me?" I said, finally looking at his eyes. They were full of tears. He spoke cheerfully, but his eyes were full of pain.
"Isn't it obvious?" He said, almost choking on his tears.
I placed his on my lap, pulling him closer to me as possible. Tears started to form in my eyes too. This is the first time something finally changed.
None of us died.
Yet... I felt like something was dying, and because of Emil's blood I know what it was.
Lukas, was slowly breathing his last breaths between my arms.
"Why?" I asked, my voice trembling. I buried my face in his chest, soaking his shirt with tears.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked again. I looked up at him. There wasn't much time.
I erased the pentagram off his forehead, and then using my index finger I started drawing it again in the air. A small purple thread followed my finger wherever I went. I added symbols and words to the pentagram, making it stronger than the one Emil was about to use.
"I'm sorry." I said more towards myself as I was about to restart this whole life again.
"Please find me again..." Lukas whispered and clenched his fists while holding my shirt. He slowly leaned towards me, until he rested his head on my shoulders. I could feel him crying. After all, two thousand years of misery wasn't something he could handle for much longer, neither did I. But this time... I had someone to share it with.

I felt my conscious slowly fading away.

This time was different.

There was usually darkness surrounding me, but this time what surrounded me was the warm white light. It felt good.

This was it.

This is the final chance I got to make thing right.

And I will.

No one will die.

I started to hum our song. I heard Lukas humming to it too somewhere far into the distance. I didn't see him, but I felt where he was.

I closed my eyes and slowly opened them to find myself surrounded my flowered and the warm rays of the sun.

I looked around until I saw him.


He spotted me and stood there, his eyes full of soft happiness and excitement.

"I knew you'd find me." He said loud enough for me to hear.

"I always will."

The end

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