Chapter 8

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(Warning: a little bit of mature content. Sorry boid)


While Gray and Flug were talking amongst themselfs White Hat took Black into the kitchen to talk.

"So have you possesed him yet?"

"We just started dating brother."

"So hes still up for grabs?~"

"Go near him and im cutting off your head."

Flug was worried so when they left him and Gray listened in on their conversion making sure no one is gonna die yet...

They left the door to talk more.

"Whats possessing?"

"I-Its when a demon turns into a spirit and enters a lovers body. Taking control and mixing with their lovers soul. The demon and the lover decide together what the outter body should do or have to show they are tooken. Usually creating scares or m-mutilation. But its never been done on a human lifeform before."

"Huh... And what should I know about White Hat just in case."

"H-Hes the oldest. Blacks the youngest. White fights for the hero side but is a player... He'll take youre heart, posses it, and leave it in a jar, and leave so you can't love again."

Flug get nervous. Just that description alone makes him want to be in Black Hats arms. He knew he should be careful around him.


Flug was working on a new "invintion" as he calmed to be. In all reality he was trying to hide the fact thst he was a sewer. And good one too. He was making himself a teddy bear to help with his anxiety. He only told Gray and that's because he works with anxiety. He herd the door to the lab open and he freaked. He grabbed all of his materials and threw them in a box under his work bench.

He looked over to see his lover walking in. He seemedto not notice.

"Hey boss. Whats up."

"Well paper prince... I need to talk to you."


"I want you to stay far away from White Hat. At all times. Understand."

"Y-yes sir."

Black leaned into flugs face and took off the bag.. Tearing it off along with the goggles with his teeth to see Flugs face. Curly brown hair. A deep blushing with his freckled cheeks and nose. Ocean blue eyes.

Black was in shock as he staired into the mans face.

"Love you paper prince.."

He said while leaving the room. Flug was in shock about the bag. He looked at the ripped paper on the floor.


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