Chapter 19

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Black could feel the anger build inside of himself. Be began growling. His lips pulling back to show rows of pointed teeth. His puples got sharper and he began to shapeshift into something much worse than man and monster has ever seen. Dementia, having feeling for the demon, for the first time cowered in fear at the sight.

5.0.5 grabbed the girl and ran inside the nearly distroyed manner. Black Hat took deep breaths to calm himself back to his original form. Exept a pair of plus sized raven wings sprouted from Blacks bac and he flew off. Flying is fast and he wanted his Flug back now.


Flug was tied to a chair, gagged with white cloth. His eyes darted around the room. Concrete floor and brick walls. His breath was shacky and quick. His rope restraints kept him from violently shacking or they could cause him pain. Finally the door opened. A tall figure with a white hat walked in and slammed the door behind himself using his other hand to flick on the lights. There in front of Flug was a chair just like Flugs. No ropes though. He looked around the room once more. No weapons? No torture devices?

White Hat smirked at the scientists confused expression. He walked toward the chair and took a seat crossing his legs.

He snapped his fingers were gone and the gag was gone.

"Dont scream no one can hear you."

"If youre going to kill me get to the point."

"Oh hun if I wanted to kill you I wouldve already. But sticks and stone my break your bones but words are like gun shots. So. You honestly believe my brother loves you?"

"Of course!"

"Ha! How... delusional... Well im sorry."


"He doesnt love you! Wake up! He doesnt care! If he did he wouldve stole youre heart but you still have it.... Slug doesnt have a heart.. I already stole it... But yours is still there. Once a heart is stolen by a demon like us youre immortal and cant love anyone else ever again... And if the demon leaves youre heart broken for eternity.... if he cared why do you have youre heart!? And of ONLY you herd him while you two were apart. "Oh Flug? That annoying tweeb! I cant believe we were friends!" He said that to my face! Remember how he use to beat you! He use to insult you and make you starve! And he 'cares'! Yea Flug he cares."

Everything White said began to sink in. All of the pain Black caused.
'He read my diary! B-but thats how this all started. But he hurt me! But he changed! He doesn't care! He doesn't love us!'

Flug looked lost into his own thoughts.

The beginning of the end.

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