~ six

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( chapter six; the kAhn pArty )

( chapter six; the kAhn pArty )

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MADISON SHOVED popcorn into her mouth as she watched Grease on the living room TV. All her friends were at the Kahn party, her mom was once again, working late. And her brother was in his room, or so she thought.

The buzzing of her phone broke her attention from the TV. She picked it up, seeing Aria's name on the screen. She answered it, pressing the phone to her ear, "Bored already?"

"Uh, Madi, you need to get here." Aria said, her voice full of concern.

"Why?" She questioned, "Has something happened?"

"Your brother... he's here." Aria told her.

Madison's eyebrows crushed in the middle of her forehead, "Not possible, he's in his ro - "

She cut herself off as she ran up the stairs towards Joe's room. She pounded the door with the palm of her hand, "Joe, I swear to God you better be in here or I'm gonna kick your little ass."

There was no response from the other side so she opened the door, scanning the room. But it was empty and the window was open. She groaned, pressing her phone back to her ear, "I'll be there in ten." She glanced down at her outfit, "Maybe twenty - you know what, I'll be there as soon as I can."


Madison headed towards the Kahn cabin, she'd been there before but that was a long time ago, or it felt like it. She spotted the four girls stood huddled together outside looking like they were talking about something serious, "Hey. What's up?"

Aria faced her, "Toby Cavanaugh got into a fight with Ben over Emily."

Emily frowned, "It wasn't over me. God. Look, he just... saved me."

"For what, himself?" Spencer questioned.

Hanna scrunched up her nose at the thought, "Ew."

Madison scanned around the many people stood outside, "Where's my brother?"

"I don't know, he was inside when I saw him." Hanna told her.

She furrowed her brows in annoyance, "Really? You guys couldn't keep an eye on him? He shouldn't be here."

"We're sorry." Aria said, "We got distracted by Emily's story."

"No, it's okay. I didn't mean to be harsh, I'm just worried." Madison told them. Her gaze shifted towards a window of the cabin, seeing Joe inside, chatting to some people, "Excuse me."

She weaved through the crowds of underage drunks and partiers. She spotted Joe with a girl and a bottle of beer in his hand. She rushed towards him. Just as they were about to kiss, she pushed Joe's shoulder back causing them to break apart.

Joe frowned at his sister, "What the hell are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" Madison questioned in a tone of surprise, "What are you doing, Joe?" She glanced at the girl, "He's fourteen!"

The girl glared at Joe in slight shock before she moved off. Madison stood infront of Joe, "Get home now!"

"You can't tell me what to do." Joe's frown remained, angry at his sister.

Madison mimicked his frown, "Yes, I can."

Noel stopped behind Madison after hearing the two yelling, "Is everything okay?"

"Fine." She said, not really paying attention to him. Her focus was locked on Joe, "Get in the car."

"If you think I'm taking orders from you, think again." Joe spat.

He began to move but Madison pushed his shoulder back again, "Why are you talking to me like that?"

"Because I can." He replied, both unaware that almost everyone at the party's eyes were on them.

Madison's anger grew, "Get home before I call mom."

Joe scoffed at her, "You're pathetic."

"And you're a selfish little brat." Madison yelled back. Joe's hand flew towards Madison, contacting harshly with her cheek. Her head whipped to the side at the force, gasping in pain and shock. Her hand came up to her cheek to try to soothe the pain.

Madison's eyes glossed over as she brought her head back round to look at Joe. His expression has completely dropped just like his stomach. He wasn't thinking and he didn't mean to, but he had.

"I - "

Madison cut him off as she held her cheek, " - get in the car. Now!"

Joe stared at his sister in guilt for a breif moment before he did as she said. The entire room had gone silent as they'd watched. Noel laid his hand on Madison's shoulder in comfort but she pulled away in an instant, still caressing her now bright red cheek. Her eyes flickered towards her four friends who were also stood watching in shock. Madison blinked back her tears before storming out of the cabin.

Author Note -
A short but important chapter.
Halpert kids are a nightmare 🙄😏

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