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"It really stresses me you know? It's not like I'm a robot who doesn't have feelings" Yoongi complained as he stirred his coffee.

I sighed as I leaned against the palm of my hand on the table, not paying attention to my surroundings.

"Then he starts to yell at me because I didn't print out registration papers, like I was too busy organising the files he told me to do but no, in his mind I'm supposed to everything at the same time like I'm some octopus who- OI! (Y/N)! Are you even listening to me?" He asked.

"Wha- what? Oh yeah, I totally agree with.." I took a deep breath and exhaled "..you"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "you seem to be thinking deeply about something.. what's up?"

"Nothing, I'm just feeling tired."

"Then why'd you call me?"

"I.. I just wanted to be with someone.."

He moved his hand closer to me and cupped my hand. "Then lets go to my place"

I shook my head, "No, I'm alright, I just sleep that's all." I said to him.

"Hm.. well alright, let me drive you home at least!" Yoongi offered. I followed him to his car, he opened the door for me and I hopped inside.

As he arrived next to my house, I thanked him and took my purse. Just before leaving he grabbed my arm, "wait wait!"


"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked me. I looked around his car but couldn't find anything, confused. "I don't seem to find anything?"

Yoongi frowned.

"Wow, you really aren't acting the way you are usually.. yeah you need rest." He leaned closer to me and peck me on my lips.

"And don't forget it next time, or I'll kill you okay?" He said as he pointed at me. I smiled and told him goodbye.

Yoongi and me have been dating for three months now, I met him while gone on holidays, I was completely lost and I didn't know where to go, but luckily I found him, he was really kind to tour me around.

I got to know him more and by coincidence he lived in the same city as me which was amazing. After flying home we talked more, met up and had lunch and coffee often, and that's how we bonded.

I walked inside my house, locked the door and jumped on my bed with my arms spread out.

I looked my wrist, which had a watch on it, and.. the bracelet.

The bracelet that Jungkook made and gave to me. There wasn't a day that I didn't wear it, especially not after his death.

One year... it was specifically one year since he committed suicide, but that's the thing.. he didn't, I just know that he didn't! Because there isn't a reason for him to end his life, he wouldn't do that, he knew he will visit his father one day.

I don't know how but I knew it was Mia behind his death, the way she laughed at me when she was caught, she probably had it all planned that if she was exposed then playtime was over.

I honestly missed him, there wasn't a day that I haven't thought about him. I was trying my best to get over him and start living my like happily but it was hard. I thought maybe if I had someone else in my life it would all change but.. now I'm not so sure.

Yoongi knows about the history between me and Jungkook and he understood, deep inside he knows I still miss him but that didn't change the way he felt about me, he wanted me to carry on with my life and accept that he's no longer in this world with us, even though it's impossible to accept it.

What yoongi doesn't know is that the bracelet I've been wearing was the one Jungkook made for me, I lied to him that my best friend made it for me and he didn't ask more.

I stopped working at the Institute after his death, even when Jiyoung pleaded me not to leave. I just couldn't take it, I can't work there without seeing him, without seeing his laugh or that smile of his. Especially after the fact that Mia is a patient there, I don't plan on seeing the face of a killer every morning, and so I left.

I didn't know what to do today, every time I visit his grave it made me weak and I felt like bursting into tears, which I did. A year.. I just can't believe it's been a year, a year without him. I didn't even have a picture of him, I almost forgot what he looked like.. almost.

They say the first thing you forget about in someone is their voice, and it was true. Oh how I would love to see his face again, I wanted to listen to his voice, I may have forgotten it but I know if I listen to it again then I would remember.

Will I ever be happy again?


I heard the noise of the doorbell. I ignored it at first, it was probably some sponsors.

A few minutes later I hear the bell again.
I sighed and got up from my bed, walking towards the door, it was strange because I didn't plan on meeting anyone anytime soon.

"I am not interested so don't-"

I stopped mid sentence and dropped both of my hands with my eyes wide open.

It was a ghost,

It had to be.


Im still thinking on how I'll finish this fanfic kskdjdjdjsj

Y'all should read my other fanfic called 'BITE' I posted the first part :) it's a Taehyung x Yoongi x Reader fanfic *^*)/

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