"R-Really?" I say in surprise.
He nodded. "I don't know why but I suddenly feel like I'm ready to meet him again. I miss him to be honest, and he would be very grateful I'm alive!"
"Jungkook..." I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "... I'm so happy for you"
He softly smiles as he places the palm of his hands on my back. He wanted the hug to last forever.
"Tomorrow?" I ask.
"Papa.. I'm alive.."
"Yes, I really me!"
"I missed you papa, it's me Jungkook, your son!"
"I uh.. Do you remember who I am?"
Jungkook practiced how he was going to start the conversation off, but he was struggling. He didn't know exactly what to say.
He cleared his throat. "Tis I, your son."
"FUCK!" Jungkook hit himself in the head.
He lifted Cloud up and put him on the couch. Cloud began to bark at him, probably wanted to play.
Jungkook placed his hand on Clouds head and looked into his eyes.
"It's me, Jungkook! Oh I missed you so much!" He cleared his throat again. "How have you been? Me? Oh! I'm doing great actually!"
But he felt like someone was watching him just at that moment, it was a little too quiet.
He looked towards my bedroom door and saw me trying to hold in my laughter with my mouth.
"Ah.. you saw that all?" His face went red from embarrassment.
"No no! Continue! Hahah!" I giggled.
Jungkook took a shower, combed his hair and wore his favourite clothes. He wanted to look his best when meeting his father. A huge rush of excitement filled inside of him, he could barely sleep at night.
Would his father be happy?
Would he cry?
Would he think he's a ghost?It would all soon be answered.
His fathers home was about twenty minutes away so we decided to walk instead of taking a taxi, plus Cloud needed a walk.
He was quiet the whole time, biting his lip a little too hard and rubbed his eyes after every minute. He wasn't crying, probably just nervous because it has been more than a year.
I noticed it and decided to reach my hand out and gently held his unoccupied hand. "No need to be nervous Jungkook, its your father" I said.
He nodded his head. "Y-Yes.."
After we reached the street of the house, Jungkook looked straight ahead and stopped walking. He just.. froze.
"What's wrong?" I ask him in concern.
"You know what? Let's visit him another time" he turns around almost immediately but I place the palm of my hand on his chest. "No, Come on! We have made it this far. You can do this! Plus.. I'm here with you the whole time"
He took a deep breath and nodded. Turning himself back, he walked to his fathers house.
"It's this house.." he nervously said to me.
We both walked to the front door, Jungkook looked around, he felt happy because he hasn't been here for so long. In fact, he never even thought he would come back here again.
He clenched his fist and raised it up just about to knock on the door. But dropped his hand down again.
"But what if he's not at home?" He says worryingly.
"Come on Jungkook, it's Sunday. Plus even if he isn't at home, we can come next time. But first let's take our chance. You ready?" I ask him.
He gulps before raising his hand high again and then knocking on the door four times.
And waiting..
But he didn't hear any sound.
"He's not at home, let's leav-"
But he stopped mid sentence as the door opened wide.And there stood a Man.
Jungkook's eyes went wide open as he saw him. The man was about to say something but when he saw who was at the door, he became speechless.
Jungkook's father blinked a few times, which Taehyung also did when he met him, probably because they thought he was dead.
Both of their eyes began to water, not believe what they were seeing in front of their eyes. It was almost as if it was a dream.
lol this story is coming to an end.

Mental 2 | Jungkook
Fanfiction"Because I love you" those words repeated in my head. Sequel for the fanfic 'Mental'