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He didn't know what to say next, he let his anger invade. He didn't mean what he said. Honestly he's been through so much, he can't trust anyone, interact with anyone, know what their true feelings are. Do they like him? Or do they despise him.

Jungkook just wanted rest, he regretted saying yes, but he made a mistake and now he has to live with it.

I took a deep breath and sighed.

"Okay listen, I know you didn't mean that and I know you know I'm telling the truth, I'm going to leave now and get a few things. But you have to stay here, don't leave while I'm gone.. don't leave."

Jungkook scoffed and bit his lip. He couldn't believe he was being ordered.

I walked to the door and twisted the knob ready to leave. I popped my head inside the house to look at him one more time.

"Don't leave!" I said to him again.


What shall I buy him? He needs shirts, pants and shoes. But unfortunately I didn't know his size, so I just got him shirts for now.

White shirts.. he mentioned he liked to wear white shirts right? Or was it black.. all I remember was he owned simple shirts all of the same color.

Maybe I should buy both black and white since I can't choose.

I was worried about him the whole time, hoping he wouldn't leave. I wanted him to finally meet his father. I know he really misses him but I guess after not seeing him for more than a year he needed to be prepared.

I am happy he's back, but I just want him to be truly happy too, and not put up a fake smile anymore.


My heart was beating faster the closer I went home, will he be there? I was praying he was.

But the close I was, the most desperate I wanted to see him again. I didn't want want him to vanish again.

I quickly ran to the front door and struggled to find the key. My hands were shaking and my eyes started to water. Finally the key went inside and I managed to unlock the door.

I opened it and ran inside.

"JUNGKOOK!" I shouted.

I looked around but he wasn't there. "No.. "

"WHERE ARE YOU!" I screamed.

But to my relief, I saw cloud napping on his bed snuggled up. Jungkook couldn't have left without cloud.

Suddenly, my bedroom door open wide faster than the speed of light. "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?" Jungkook shouted while breathing heavily.

I froze for a few seconds, looking at him and admitting he was real and right in front of me.

I dropped my shopping bag and ran up to wrap my arms around him.

"I thought you really left.." I quietly said to him.

"Uh.. um.. no, I didn't.." he didn't exactly know how to react at this exact situation.

"I'm sorry.. " I said to him as I let go.

I wanted to break the sudden awkward situation so I turned around and grabbed the shopping bag on the floor.

"I didn't know what colour you liked.. all I remembered was that it was a simple T-shirt.."

Jungkook took the bag from the me and lifted up two shirts.

He spread out one to look at it carefully, then he did the same with the other.

He looked at the ground for a few seconds and blinked. "Thank you, I appreciate you buying them for me, I love them. Just please.. nothing more?" He pleaded.

"For now." I replied.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring.

Who could it be? I asked myself.

"(Y/N), it's me, open the door" A familiar voice knocked on my door.

"Oh god no.."

"Not at this time.." I begged.

"What- who is it?" Jungkook asked me.


I immediately pushed Jungkook's chest forcefully causing him to move backwards.

"What are you doing?" He was surprised by the sudden action.

"Just.. stay in here till he's gone okay? Don't make any noise whatsoever!" I shoved Jungkook inside my closet.

"But-" He was about to say something till I shut the door.


"Yoongi!" I happily smiled.


Mental 2 | JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now