It was a passionate kiss, The feeling of his soft lips against mine comforted me.
He finally let go and took a deep breath, his eyes were still shut. "A-And I know I shouldn't have done that, since you're already with someone else and you love him.. but I'm not sorry for doing this"
I told him it was alright and I wasn't mad at him. A smile on his face brightened.
I turn away and walk back and forth before telling him why. "Actually, Yoongi and I are no longer together.. "
He smiled for just a brief second but then didn't because he wanted to look concerned in front of me. "What happened? Are you alright?"
I was hesitant to tell him that the reason was Yoongi wanted me to be with him because he wanted me to be happy.
"We just didn't really work out, so we decided to break it off"
He nodded to show he understood. It was starting to get awkward for a second, not sure what both of us were going to talk about after that kiss. But luckily Jungkook's father called us to come.
Jungkook and his father talked for a while drinking juice that his father served. I sat quietly sipping on mine, enjoying how he smiled and the excitement filling inside of him.
But it was getting late and we had to leave. "Son, why not come back home now?"
He bit his lip and paused for a second. "I-I- will, I'll come back and call you alright?" Jungkook told him.
His father nodded, "well alright, now give me a hug one last time so I can confirm this was real and I haven't gone insane!"
Jungkook laughed while giving his father a long hug. "I'll be back Papa!" He said before waving.
"This is the part where you thank me for making you knock on his door and not run away" I said as we both walked home.
He chuckled. "Of course! Thank you"
"Let's go some place to eat before going home" I suggested. Jungkook agreed, he was really hungry, his father suggested him making dinner but he refused and said he just at before coming to his house. But he lied because he didn't want his father to make a whole meal for the four of us. Even though he said he was in good health, he still doesn't fully trust it inside because the last time he also said he was feeling good and the next thing he knew, he collapsed.
We both ordered our food and ate it quietly. Jungkook smiled to himself pretending it was a dinner date.
That smile suddenly disappeared as he felt something odd. He decided to shake it off and continue eating, but the feeling eventually started to get worse.
I noticed he was acting weird and decided to ask him. "What's wrong?"
He raised his hand up to me "it's fine! You know what? I'll be back okay! I just need to go to the restroom for just a second!" He said as he stood up.
I nodded. He probably just wanted to go.
"Fuck.. why now? Why out of all times it had to be now?" He said to himself angrily.
As he opened the door and went inside, he locked the door.
He breathed in and out fiercely while looking at himself in the mirror. Knowing exactly what was going to come next.
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After about five minutes, Jungkook smiled while coming back, sitting down and finishing his food.
We quickly ate because Cloud also needed his food and so we left. The stars above shone across the clear midnight blue sky. I enjoyed it but I think Jungkook was too excited about earlier on today to even look at his surroundings.
Im glad he's happy.
Finally going home, he hopped on the couch and made a loud dramatic deep breath showing how relieved he was.
As I put my purse in my room and changed my clothes, I quickly made something for Cloud and put it in his new doggy bowl.
"Ah thanks for feeding him. You going to sleep now?" He asks me.
I sat next to him and switched the TV on. "Nah, still a little early."
I saw a channel which showed the last part of the Korean drama 'Scarlet heart'. After watching for a while I started to tear up when it showed the last scene of Hae soo crying seeing the painting of the King standing alone.
"Wang so.. Oh god.."
Jungkook scoffed while hugging a pillow. "Don't tell me you feel sorry for him."
"Of course I do! After everything he's been through, its so upsetting seeing him all alone, he doesn't deserve this!" I tell Jungkook.
"Eh? That's his own fault for all of that, he's the one who decided to act all harsh when he became king!" He replied to me.
"I disagree but we aren't going to argue about a drama, ah not now" I raise my hand to him.
"Yeah sure whatever.." He let out a loud cough and said 'HIS FAULT' between it.
"HEY!" I take a pillow next to me and hit him with it. He starts to laugh and I join him. Jungkook takes a pillow and hits me with it too.
It was all fun.
Till he stopped and placed his hand just above his chest. I stopped too and looked at him.
"Something going on?" I asked him in concern.
"Ah.. " he gulped and closed his eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm fine, think it's because I'm still feeling full from all that food I ate!" He smiled at me.
"Don't worry about m-"
But before he could finish his sentence, he quickly put his hand over his mouth and coughed a few times.
As he slowly put his hand away, I dropped my pillow and completely froze.
This can't be..
"I-I'm sorry.. " he said, as blood was surrounding his mouth and on his hands.