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"Namjoon please!" I begged him to let Jungkook tag along and bring his things.

"Fine fine! I know he means to you a lot and you haven't been the same ever since he left so... I'm willing to do it.. ONLY for your sake okay?" He said to me.

I gave him a big hug and continuously thanked him. He chuckled at my reaction and sudden excitement. He noticed how I changed ever since Jungkook came back.

"Tell him we will be leaving tomorrow at ten in the morning so he needs to get ready" Namjoon pointed out.

I nodded and walked back to the living room, I was still limping a little but I was too excited that I completely forgot about my slight injury.

Jungkook took cloud inside the house since it was getting cold and he wanted to keep an eye out for him.

He squatted down and pet his ears. "Good boy!"

"Jungkook!" I called.

He turned his head to look up at me and then stood. "What did he say?" He asked as he fiddled with clouds leash.

"He said yes! Do you know what this means?" I walked closer to him.

"That I'm going with you!" He said.

"It means that you can finally come back and have a normal life!" I happily jumped but then limped as I felt pain.

"Woah there, you're still not better! Don't jump around like that and get some rest!"

"Namjoon said to be ready tomorrow and we will leave at ten in the morning.. is that okay for you?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes it's perfect! I'll leave now" Jungkook turned his head and walked to the door.

"WAIT!" I shouted.

He stopped walking and turned back to face me.

"J-Just come back quick.. Please don't change your mind.. " I nervously said.

He chuckled. "I won't! It's too late now to change my mind anyways.."

Jungkook took one last look before he left and shut the door.


"Why isn't he coming.. WHY ISN'T HE COMING?" I said worryingly while walking back and forth in front of the car.

"Chill, it's only nine fifty-five, plus there's no need to rush" Namjoon looked at his watch.

"But.. but what if he really did change his mind? What if he hated me all this time.. oh god I should have asked where he lived so I could visit him but no I was too stupid to ask"

"(Y/N) calm down, I'm sure he's coming don't worry" he tried to calm me but I seemed to not work.

"Hey, why is she having a mental breakdown?" Namjoon heard a voice behind his ear which made him jump.

"What th- oh it's you. Nah it's alright. Hey (Y/N) your boyfriend arrived."

Jungkook immediately started to cough. "Oh god the pollution here is so bad.."

I stopped walking and turned to Namjoons side, and it was indeed true that Jungkook was standing right next to Namjoon.

"Jungkook!" I smiled in less than a second after seeing him and walked closer to him.

"You came!" I excitedly said.

He gave me a bunny smile that I used to see at the institute, I missed it.

"Of course I did! I said I would didn't I?" He said.

Jungkook had a backpack with him in one hand and cloud with a leash on in the other.

I looked around behind him. "Where's your stuff?" I asked.

He was confused in why I asked him that. "Huh?"

"Your things, how will you move without your things?"

He finally realized why I was confused. "They are right here" Jungkook showed me his backpack.

I was speechless, but I guess I didn't blame him, he ran away and had nothing.

"Oh.. well nevermind, remind me to buy you clothes when we go back" I said.

He shook his head. "No, don't buy me anything, I'm fine really!"

I walked away and opened the car door for him. "Hey! Don't ignore me! I said don't buy me anything"

"We'll see. Now get in!"

Jungkook places his backpack and then cloud in the backseat. He hopped inside himself and put his seatbelt on.

"Are you ready?" Namjoon asked.

He nodded and slightly smiled. He put cloud on his lap and pet him.

Namjoon started the car and drove off.

There's no turning back now..
He said to himself.

He looked closely outside because it is his last time he will probably ever see this place.

"I'm sorry for what is about to happen in the future (Y/N)"

Jungkook leaned his head on the glass window and gave a huge sigh. I couldn't help but look at him through the mirror.

I turned around. "Is everything alright Jungkook? Did you perhaps leave anything behind?" I asked him in concern.

He looked at me and immediately grinned. "Everything is perfect! Don't worry about me"


Mental 2 | JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now