Always Outspoken ch.11

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"Where were you on Friday?"

"It's nice to see you too Beth," I joked once I sat next to her in math class. She smiled. "I was with Bryce."

"Oh? Where'd you two go? What'd you do? Never mind, don't answer that last part."

I laughed, "We went to the beach and just talked actually." I didn't tell her about us being together 'officially' because technically, we already were.

"I see. Well you should've warned me you wouldn't be here."

"Sorry, it wasn't planned."

"It's okay, I still love you," she smiled.

"Good. Oh, I'm warning you that I won't be at lunch today. I need to take a test."

"Thanks for the heads up," she joked.

I am now sitting in front of a hard chemistry test during my lunch. Why the hell can't I understand this stuff? And why do I have to miss lunch to take this stupid test? Oh yeah, because my teacher said it was easy, and won't let me take it any other time.

When lunch was half over, I decided to just put any answer for the last part; I'm hungry and tired of looking at chemistry problems. So, I handed in my test and walked to the lunch room, where I saw two guys fighting.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" students were yelling. I saw Beth standing near the two guys, so I quickly went over to her. That's when I was able to see who it was fighting; Bryce and Jason.

"Stop!" I yelled starting to go over to them, but Beth grabbed me arm to hold me back.

"Beth, let go!"

"No! You can't get in the middle of that!"

"Yes I can!" I pulled away from her and went over the Bryce and Jason. Jason glanced over to me and stopped throwing punches, but he was still ready to fight more.

"Bryce, stop," I said calmly once I was in front of him, in between Jason and him. I scanned his face and noticed his left cheek was swollen and his lip was cut. I turned to Jason and looked back and forth between the two boys.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked both of them, but I looked at Jason first. That's probably why he got angry at me then.

"With me? You're the one who told me about how you felt about me, and then spend the day with him! You two deserve each other!"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I asked angrily, stepping closer to Jason.

"It means that you screwed me over once, so I'm not going to let that happen again. You're a...a bitch, and he's an asshole, so you two deserve to be happy together!" I was shocked he'd say that about me.

Bryce stepped towards him, but I put my hands on his chest to stop him. They were both already beaten up pretty badly. I turned to say one more thing to Jason.

"Yeah, things did get screwed up before, but I waited like an idiot for you to let me explain what really happened. And when you finally let me tell you a few days ago, it was too late. So if that makes me a bitch, then fine, I don't care anymore." I turned away from him, grabbing Bryce's arm and walked off out of the lunch room. I could feel tears right behind my eyes, but I couldn't cry in front of Bryce, so I held them back.

"Can we leave?" I asked Bryce once we were in the hallway.

He nodded and we walked to his car. I told him the directions to go to my house so that I could get him cleaned up a little; I knew my parents would be working all day today. We walked into my house and I led him to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I took out some rubbing alcohol and cleaned his cuts.

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