Always Outspoken ch.9

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I managed to avoid Jason for two weeks. Sure, I felt miserable and guilty the whole time, but I had to do it. It wasn't hard though, because he avoided me as well. It just sucked because he was a really great friend. I could tell him anything I wanted to, and I knew he'd listen to me.

However, I only saw him during chemistry because he now sat with a different group of friends; mainly skaters that I sometimes saw at the park. There were so many times I wanted to talk to Jason, just to tell him that I still like him, but he'd always walk the other way to avoid seeing me.

And now, my locker was once again stuck, with Jason not being able to open it for me like he usually did. My life sucks.

"!" I said to myself out loud. I kicked the locker lightly, and it didn't budge. So I kicked it again, hurting my toes in the process.

"OW!" I yelled. Weren't my converse shoes supposed to protect my toes from stuff like this?

This would be a great time for someone to help me. Luckily, someone did. And that 'someone' just happened to be a taller, athletic-looking, dark haired guy. He kicked my locker once near the bottom and opened it for me.

"What the...?" I was a little surprised for a few reasons. One, how the hell did he open that so easily? Two, where did this guy come from? And three, who the hell was this guy?

I put my books away and shut my locker, but by then he was already down the hall. I didn't even get his name, or have the chance to thank him.

"I heard there's a new guy in school. Apparently, he looks sort of mysterious, with amazing silver eyes," Tonya stated.

"Yeah, his eyes are pretty cool," I agreed before starting to eat my salad.

"What? You met him?"

"Well, not exactly. He just opened my locker because it got stuck again," I shrugged. Honestly, I didn't really get a good look at him. Probably because I was just a tad bit in love with Jason.

"What's his name?" Tonya wondered. I could tell Beth wanted to know too, but Nate was sitting right next to her, so she didn't say anything at all.

"I don't know. He opened my door and left. If you really want to know, go ask him. He's over there." I pointed to a few tables over, where he sat at an empty table. Girls around him were watching him read his book, giggling. It was quite sickening actually.

"I can't! can!" she suggested.

"Tonya, it's not like I'm friends with the guy. He opened my locker door and left before I could even say thanks."

"Perfect! You can go over there and say thanks for earlier! And get his name while you're at it," she grinned.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Do I have to do this?"

"Please? I'll never ask for anything ever again," she pleaded. After a moment I rolled my eyes again and agreed to do it, telling her she owed me big.

"Hi," I said with a small smile once I reached where he was sitting.

"Hi," he answered with a deep voice. He was actually good-looking, but more of Tonya's type. She always went for the mysterious looking guys, no matter what their personality was like.

"I wanted to thank you for opening my locker. You saved me from damaging my toes even more." Wow, I realized how stupid I sounded right after I said that.

He smiled a little, "No problem."

"I'm Seraphina."

"Interesting name."

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