you just been meEmed

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Group Chat

To: Freddie, Brian, Roger, and John

Freddie: guys new idea

Freddie: for this whole invisible man video I should just frickin dance in some childs room

Roger: what

Brian: then what do we do?

Freddie: uhhhh Roger you can play your drum

Roger: drum? like one singular drum?

Freddie: yea just one

Roger: uh ok

Freddie: and brian... hmmmm....

Freddie: idek man

Freddie: do you just wanna pet a badger for like four minutes

Brian: what about something having to do with stars???? like what about star wars?????? can i be luke skywalker?????????

Freddie: guitar lightsaber?

Brian: are you joking?

Freddie: no?

Brian: my life is complete

Brian: guitarist..... and jedi

John: what about me though?

Freddie: you can wear a cowboy hat

John: what does that have to do with anything 

Roger: yeehaw

Freddie: and you can like gift your cowboy hat to the child

John: that didn't answer my question

John: this video doesn't make any sense

Freddie: its the 1980s john

Freddie: it all makes sense


hello my do0ds,,,,,,, so,,, if you havent noticed, i never update. why is that? im not interested anymore. im really sorry. i love Queen and their music, but im just not entertained by writing about them anymore??? its just not on my list of priorities like it used to be. also, my schedule is really busy and i dont have much time to be writing stuff. this is possibly the last thing ill publish until i feel like writing again. im sorry, guys. my account will be "deactivated" until further notice. thank you for all the kind comments, votes, and reads on my stories. it is all very appreciated and hopefully i will find interest in this again.

goodbye for now,


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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