Different, Even in our Darkest

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To my Serenity, I just want you to know something. Whenever I say this relationship is different, I mean it in all ways. From the way we act, to the things that hurt us and how we deal with them. Well how you and I deal with our issues is a highly astray the path of how regular high school lovers handle theirs.

First of all, I want you to know, I know when it is my fault. I'm not just trying to console you because I feel like it's my fault that you're upset, no; your happiness and my happiness are proportional, and I'll do anything to see your happiness stay above its regular level. So whenever I'm trying to do more than I usually would, or when I'm doing anything I can to help you, it isn't because I feel like I did something wrong and HAVE to fix it. I'm doing the things I do because your happiness was once my priority, and it is now my responsibility. So even when you tell me "you didn't do anything wrong" or "it's not your fault," I'm going to ignore it. I'm going to ignore it because that's not the reason I'm helping you.

I promise you, I will never leave you when you need me most unless I have absolutely no choice. If I must leave you alone, I will make up for the time lost; and if you're happy, I'll increase that happiness. When something goes wrong for you, or you get hurt, or even when you just can't deal with your emotions or stress, it doesn't change the fact that I, will, be, there. I'll be there for you whenever you need me, no matter what. I promise you my Autumn, I am never going to leave your side.

Your mind may tell you that I'm only here because I feel like I have to be. Well ignore those thoughts, because I'm here because I want to be. There isn't a time when I don't want to hear your thoughts, or listen to your melodious voice; not even in your worst of moments. It doesn't matter if you spend an hour screaming at me for something that happened with one of your friends. I'll listen to your shouts, I'll calm your nerves, and I will soothe you. I'll take whatever harsh words or whatever weight I need just to stay with you and talk.

When you're okay, when you're hurting most, or when you overwhelmingly emotional, it doesn't matter. Whatever you throw at me can't outweigh the worth of just one more conversation with you. I promise, that's how it will always be. Forever and always.

"I'll carry 1,000 pounds on my back and walk 1,000 miles with it, as long as I get to hear your voice another ten minutes. No hurt can shut me out and keep me from you."

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