Our MindsOur minds are powerful things. They're capable of doing the most beautiful things in the world like forming words that could warm someone's heart, actions that could heal someone's soul, music that could make someone dance, ideas that could make someone smile, movies that could make someone laugh and books that could make someone dream.
And yet, they're also perfectly capable to do the worst things imaginable in the world like forming lies that could break someone's heart, actions that could make someone cry, expectations that could make someone yearn, promises that could bring someone down, plans that could ruin someone's life and words that could haunt someone's soul.
Sometimes we let our minds take control of our bodies and the toxic that overtakes us turns us into people we once said we will never be—monsters in reality. The human mind is so powerful yet so dangerously beautiful, isn't it?
how the universe works
Poetry"how does the universe work?" you asked me. i paused and thought for a moment. after a while, i decided on the truth. "you can never know. even if you learn it through the pain, you'll still be unable to know how the universe truly works. the univer...