FEBRUARY 17 2012

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FEBRUARY 17 2012

Dear Billie,

Happy birthday buddy! Can't believe you've been around the sun 40 times already, how'd that happen? Seems like just yesterday that were nothing but teenage outlaws running amok in suburbia. Man, how everything changes.

Those days, Billie...damn, those days...were the best of my life. We had nothing but each other's backs, and that was all we needed. Life was fast, dreams were ours to chase, and we were us. Nothing, nobody, stood in the way of us or our dreams. We lived every second as if it was our last and drifted along to wherever the winds of our friendship took us.

Recently, I've found myself constantly reflecting on the past, our glory days, more so than ever.

You damn well know I could go on for hours listing what I miss about those days. I could harp on and on about what I wish I could bring back. I could write down the best stories of our youth until my hand bruised and fell off. But I believe that there is a time and place for all of that, and I believe that this is neither.

But of all the innumerable, amazing things I experienced during that period of my life, the one thing I undoubtedly miss the most, the one thing I would give anything in the world to bring back, the one thing I could go on and on about until my hand shriveled up and died, is you.

I miss you. I miss us. I miss our togetherness in its purest form. I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss your god awful jokes. I miss knowing that everything between the two of us is as perfect as it should be. I miss knowing that you're there. I miss being there for you.

God, this fucking sucks.

I'm sorry you have to live like this. God knows you don't deserve anything that's happened to you. I know I sound like a broken record but I just can't say it enough. I can't even begin to stress how much you deserve a life so, so, so much better than this.

Unfortunately, fate hasn't exactly seen to it.

All else aside, I hope this cheesy card and your birthday gift somehow find their way to you. They may not be much of anything but if they can make the difference between a completely shitty birthday and an only slightly shitty birthday, that's all that matters.

I know you don't have much or even any control over this, but I hope everything starts looking up soon. I really don't think I can stand being away from you any longer.

I love you, Billie. From here to Mars and back a thousand times over.

Hell, double that.

Happy birthday, old friend. Hope it's as good of a birthday as it can be.


It's a friend like you,
In good times and bad,
Who asks for nothing,
Yet offers a hand.

Wherever I go in life,
There's only one thing to do,
I must have a big heart,
And be a friend like you.

Happy Birthday!

P.S.: Trè isnt doing too well with Spazzy. I don't know how much longer either one of them is going to last. I'm trying to help him out, but there's only so much I can do.

A/n: sorry for the short/shitty chapter, it's just been a while since I've written and I'm trying to get back into it. In other news, I created a Spotify playlist for this fic, and you can give it a listen by clicking on the link below. If you have any suggestions for songs to add to the playlist, let me know, and I'll make sure to add them!

Hope you're enjoying the story. feel free to leave me your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions below in the comments!

Link to playlist: https://open.spotify.com/user/jrodthexkid/playlist/7vrs3a52dIVHB1V0XPML66?si=YpLM6L1g

Sincerely, MikeWhere stories live. Discover now