MARCH 04 2012

270 14 7

March 4, 2012

Dear Billie,

It's currently 3:02 in the morning, and I'm wide awake.

Delirious, guilty, and frantically pacing in circles to the beat of a deranging mind that's ticking up to its demise like a time bomb.

I think I'm cracking.

I've officially lost it.

I can't take this anymore.

I can't take the person I've become, I can't take seeing everyone in shambles, I can't take the deafening silence between you and me, any longer.

This whole endeavor has reduced us all to nothing. Me, Tré, your boy, everybody.

But today, I decided that I'm tired of being nothing.

I'm tired of doing nothing.

That's how we all ended up in this position to begin with.

Call it the product of an extremely guilty conscious under the influence of a wild cocktail of other emotions, but I've decided that I'm not going to stand idly by and watch everything around me burst into flames of oblivion.

I've had it with refusing to fix and instead complaining about something my failure to act and I broke.

Today, I'm taking a stand.

I've spent too much time standing behind bulletproof glass. I've had too many doors slammed in my face by these assholes who seem to not give a damn about taking care of you. I've tried and tried long enough to remain calm, trusting, and in my place, but I know I can't hold out any longer.

I have too many things that I need to say before it's too late.

This silence, this separation, this divisive heart-ache, all ends now.

I swear to you, Billie Joe Armstrong, if it's the last thing I do...

I'm seeing you tomorrow.


Well that took long enough. I'll try to have the next chapter up within the next week, but I can't promise anything- I'm kind of in a weird place right now and don't always have the motivation to write. But we are getting to the good stuff. Be scared. Be excited. Be ready to cry.

P.S.: thanks for 2k :)

Sincerely, MikeWhere stories live. Discover now