Part 3

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"take your medicine at time......don't trouble your brothers"shomi said hugging swara.
"mama! i don't trouble them they trouble me"swara said in irritated voice.
shomi breaks hug and cups her face.
"behave like lady and study well and don't roam in cold nights,keep your inhaler always with you and cover yourself properly"shomi said in motherly love.
"mama first thing i am already a lady not a man, second i will study well third i will take good care of myself and forth can i take my car plz plz plz"swara said in one go.
"no...not until you don't understand fast driving is dangerous"shomi said in strict voice.
"mama that accident was not my mistake someone hit me from behind"swara said poutingly.
"no means no"shomi said
"how will i go college?" swara said sadly(drama)
"on bike....shekhar had already send your and your brother bikes there"shomi said
"i don't like bike" swara said irritated
"why?....what problem in bike? you all do things which boys do then what's wrong in bike?"shomi said
"i can't drive it fast?" swara muttered under her breath,scratches her head.
"therefore i told shekhar to send your bike"shomi said slapping her with love.
"don't trouble your sister...."shekhar ordered kunj and lucky.
both nodded at once and hide their smile.
shekhar holds their ears.
"if i came to know you two troubled her then you two will be in big trouble"shekhar said in warning.
"aaa! dad.....tell your daughter to not create trouble there....where ever she goes she creates trouble"lucky said freeing his ear.
"and tell her also to control her anger and slapping habit" kunj said and made face.
Exact at that time swara slapped on his head.
"what are you saying to dad?" swara said angrily.
"see....."kunj said angrily to shekhar.
"show me also....."swara said looking here and there.
"what?" kunj asked in confusion
"which you were showing to dad"swara said slapping him on head again.
"control you hands woman"kunj said slapping on her head.
both start fighting like kids.
"lakshah.....both are but you are elder brother,you have their responsibility"shekhar said keeping hand on his shoulder.
"they don't consider me elder brother what's the need of putting us in same class....."lucky said in irritated voice.
"arra....what's wrong in that kunj and swara are twins and you are just one year elder so we thought that it will be good if trio will start their studies together"shekhar said chuckling.
lucky looks at swara and kunj who were still fighting.shomi puts hand on lucky's shoulder.lucky looks at her and takes blessings.shomi kiss on his forehead.
"take care of yourself and theirs......"shomi said.lucky nodded.

Meanwhile kavita with her parents comes there.she was wearing short dress and straight hair.
"hello choti maa1″kavita greeted shomi.
"hello are looking beautiful"shomi said with smile.
"thank you...'kavita said.
"why did she took admission in our college?" swara whispered in kunj's ear.
"for you"kunj said and went to greet AP and DP.swara also greet them.DP give swara blessing with love but AP makes face.
"hey spoiled brat"kavita said hitting swara with her shoulder.
"hello miss cheap material."swara said pulling her cheek with full force.
"awao!!..."kavita cried and rubbed her cheek.
"i think you all should go inside"shekhar said looking at his wrist watch.
"dad twinki didn't come till now"swara said worriedly.meanwhile twinkle comes there and greeted everyone.after sometime lucky,kunj,swara and twinkle went inside airport bidding them bye.
"shekhar in Shimla winter is so harsh......swara has asthma we should not have send her there"shomi said worriedly.
"she will be fine...don't worry"shekhar said rubbing her shoulder

Everyone comes out from airport and looks around.swara takes deep breath and smiles.
"dad told me that he had arranged a house for and and a car will drop us there"lucky said and takes out there.
"see that man is holding board of our names"swara shouted pointing toward man.
kunj who was standing near her,closed his eyes because swara yelled near her ear.
"can't you tell one thing without shouting"kunj said angrily,hitting on her head.
"No...i am so excited"swara exclaimed slapping on kunj face.kunj gritted his teeth.
"kunj normal people talk normally,abnormal shouts"kavita said in mocking tone.
"right"kunj said quickly.
"miss cheap material.....according to me those are abnormal who poke their nose in others talks"swara said sweetly.
"excuse me"kavita said angrily
"excused...."swara said and walks toward man.kavita throw daggers at swara.twinkle and lucky looked at each other,shook their heads and walks toward man.kunj and kavita also follow them.

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