Part 10

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Sanskar was sitting on bench outside the ICU with poker one can understand from his face what he was thinking.

twinkle had told him that swara is asthma patient.she don't get asthma usually but when she gets its be a severe type.last night after there dance he was not able to understand his own feelings therefore he left from there immediately and decided to keep distance from swara but now he was again sitting there,waiting to see her smiling like always.

Lucky and kunj was also sitting beside him on bench.girls didn't come with him because boys came in hurry and no one know driving.meanwhile doctor came out.trio gets up quickly.

"how is she?"kunj asked desperately.

"she is fine just a little weak"doctor said with professional smile.

"can we meet her?"lucky asked

"yes...."doctor said and left.

lucky and kunj went inside quickly while sanskar takes deep breath and walked inside.kunj and lucky hugged swara then slap on her head.

"you again missed your medicine?"kunj said angrily.

"they were finished......i  had ordered it they will come soon"swara said in careless tone.

kunj and lucky looks at her angrily.

"i am hungry?"swara said poutingly

"what you want to eat madam?"lucky asked,kunj didn't say anything in anger

"cheese sandwich"swara said quickly.

"sanskar plz stay with her...'lucky said,sanskar nodded.lucky and kunj left and sanskar sit on couch which was at little distance from her bed.

"at least ask how am i?"swara said after  five minutes silence.

"i can see how are you?" sanskar said and looked at syringe which was pierced inside her soft skin.he restrained himself from saying any harsh words.his anger was raising with ever second therefore he wanted to be quite otherwise there will be havoc in hospital.

"mood off?" swara thought in mind and makes face.she looks around and her eyes sparkle seeing her favorite fruit.she moves a little to side and try to pick apple from her hand in which drip was attached.because of her too much struggle drip fall down with band and syringe pierced inside her skin more and blood starts coming out.swara hissed in pain.

sanskar run toward her.he makes drip strand right on its position and looks at her bleeding hand.his jaw gets ticked in anger.he stops the drip,sit on stoll placed near her bed,holds her hand and removed syringe carefully.swara hissed again when he removed it.after removing syringe he starts cleaning blood with his white handkerchief.

"can't you sit at one place?"sanskar said in anger filled voice.

"i didn't know that it will fall down"swara said poutingly.

"you don't you should put ice on your hand otherwise it will swell,you don't know you should not run otherwise you will get don't your medicines are getting don't know you should sit at one place when you are in hospital you know anything?"sanskar scolded her continuously while cleaning blood very carefully.

"you are scolding like mama"swara said and burst out laughing.sanskar looks at her with his red eyes.sanskar clenched handkerchief tightly,gets up attach drip again and leaves from there.

'sanky where are you going?" swara shouted seeing him leaving.sanskar didn't listen and left.

"what's wrong with him?"swara murmured.after a second a nurse comes and start tying belt to swara.

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