Part 15

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Swara was sadly standing there with crossed arms.sanskar taps her shoulder,she turns toward him.

"wat are you doing here,everyone is enjoying down?"sanskar asked

"i am fine enjoy"swara said sighing heavily.sanskar looks at her sad face.

"what's wrong swara?"sanskar asked making her look at him by holding her chin.

"today i got to know God don't like me a little bit..."swara said sadly.she wanted to cry at her faith.

she had throw her drink not wanting to take risk and prayed that except sanskar anyone should get drink which was not spiked but see her faith.only sanskar got that drink.

she was very much dishearted with this.

"you know i had finally fall for someone and had made simple plan to know he feels samething for me or not but my plan failed"swara said in dishearted tone.

sanskar's heart stopped beating for a minute.he let out a deep breath.

"who is he?"sanskar asked in deep tone.

" friend"swara said avoiding eyes from him.

"go and tell him everything.."sanskar said looking at shimla city.

"are you mad...i don't even he feel something for me or not.what if he don't feel anything.i will loose his friendship also"swara said making face.

"who will refuse you?" sanskar said while a painful smile touched his lips.swara looks at him and an idea hit her.

she holds sanskar's right hand and turns him toward her.

"if i tell you that i love you a lot.whole night i had thought that do i really love you and i was praying for you to come in my life from very long then will you say yes?" swara asked looking at his deep blue eyes in deep voice.

Sanskar stares at her face not able to say anything.swara was waiting for his answer with hold breath.

"what are you two doing here?"kunj said loudly.both looks at him with jerk.swara leaves sanskar's hand and looks at kunj with full anger.

"i hate you God..."swara shouted in her mind,walks inside her room,picks up her coat and keys and leaves from there with full anger but didn't forget to slap at kunj's head.

"i am coming..."sanskar said with lost mind and turned toward open view and closed his eyes.swara's words echoed in his mind.kunj shrugged and left.



Abheer opens his eyes and gets up.A sharp pain hit his head and he cursed heavily.he looks around and cursed again.he was sleeping on floor.he gets up and makes black coffee for himself and looked at everyone.

lucky,ragini,twinkle,kunj,kavita everyone was sleeping here and there but couples were together.

"where is prince and swara..."abheer murmured and shaked his head.

he went to swara's room but didn't find anyone.he comes out and saw sanskr coming out from washroom after getting fresh.abheer greeted him and sanskar nodded.

"get fresh fast.."sanskar ordered in cold voice.abheer nodded.sanskar went down and start preparing breakfast for himself.

after sometime everyone started getting up and came to kitchen for black coffee.

"aaa! head"ragini cried and kept it on lucky's head.

"who the hell spiked everyone drinks..."lucky said angrily,looking at ragini's condition then looks at kunj angrily who was pressing twinkle's head.

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