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swara opened the door and entered inside.Music sound was coming.she walks toward tv lounge and saw lucky and kunj sitting on couch lazily.
"why you both didn't came college?"swara asked.picked up apple from fruit basket and sit between them.swara took big bite.kunj and lucky looks at her then slaps on her head.
"you left without us?....didn't feel shame leaving your brothers alone in this big house"kunj said dramatically.

swara roll her eyes.lucky put hand around her neck and pull her close.
"mom wakes us was not here so you should have done that,do you know i woke up at 10″lucky said and slaps on her head.swara frees herself and slaps him back.
"why should i woke you two up...."swara said frowning.lucky and kunj put arms around her shoulder.
"do you wnt us to call mom and tell that you beats boy" kunj said looking at tv.
swara looks at him angrily.
"you i wonder what will mom do....i think she will ground you for life time,no cars,no racing,no party,no marriage"lucky said and gives hi-five to kunj at swara's back.
"that too arrange marriage"kunj said dramatically.
"no...i don't want to do arrange marriage"swara shouted with full force.lucky and kunj quickly puts fingers in their ears.

"don't you dare tell mama anything"swara said in threatening voice.
"fine then from tomorrow you will wake us up like good sister...arrange our everything like mom do"lucky said and takes apple from her hand.
swara opens her mouth to refuse it but kunj stops her.
"otherwise we will tell mom everything"kunj said and takes apple from lucky.
swara crossed her arms and laid back on couch with angry cute face.kunj and lucky were sharing her apple.
"swara go prepare dinner"kunj ordered like king.swara looks at him with raised eye brow.
"lucky call mom..."kunj said.lucky chuckled and takes out his phone.
"going"swara said angrily and gets up and walks toward kitchen.

"allo ka parata" lucky and kunj shouted in union.swara stops, looks back at them angrily.both waves phone in air.swara stamps her foot and walks toward kitchen.lucky and kunj laughed and give hi-five.
Meanwhile door gets open and sanskar comes with abheer.they also settled in lounge.
"had dinner?"lucky asked from them.
"No..."abheer said smiling.
"good...tell what you will eat? swara is cooking"kunj said.
before they could have replied a potato came flying from kitchen and hits kunj.
"whatever i am cooking eat that silently"swara said angrily.
kunj looks at potato in his hand and looks at kitchen.
it was open kitchen and near lounge.they can see her easily.

abheer coughed.sanskar looks at him angrily.
"swara throw another and..."kunj said angrily but before his sentence could have complete swara throw another potato.kunj bends quickly saving himself.sanskar smiles unknowingly.
"i will call mom..i am warning you"kunj shouted angrily and there another potato comes and hit in his stomach.

lucky and abheer chuckled lightly.meanwhile twinkle comes there, completely wet and shivering.all looks at her.
"twinkle are you fine"kunj asked worriedly seeing her like that.
"where is swara?" twinkle asked with tear filled was confirmed from her face she will start crying at any time.
swara comes out from kitchen hearing her voice.she gets shock seeing her in that condition.
"twinki!..."swara asked worriedly.twinkle looks at her,hugs her and start crying.
"what's wrong?" swara asked worriedly.twinkle didn't reply.swara makes her sit on couch,removes her own coat and put around her.
"twinki stop crying" swara said rubbing her shoulder.

kunj gives water to swara and sign to give twinkle.swara silently takes glass from him and gives it to twinkle.
"drink it"swara said showing eyes.twinkle takes water and drinks it.kunj gives tissue paper to twinkle.swara looks at him for second.
"can't you give it directly"swara said dryly.kunj looks at her with serious face.swara takes tissue and gives it ti twinkle.she wipes her tears.
"now tell ma...why are you in this condition?" swara asked
"seniors.....first they made us run in ground five times then throw us in water pool and locked us in washroom"twinkle said sniffing.

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