part 11

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"tell me one thing sanky......why are u so weird?"swara asked loudly while giving water to her plants.sanskar who was standing his own terrace narrowed his eyes at her.before he could have reply her,kunj and lucky came there.

"lucky what's wrong with you?....i was watching match"kunj said in irritated voice.

"here i am not able to purpose ragini and you are enjoying match"lucky said slapping kunj on head.swara giggled and put water pot on floor.

"what is problem in purposing....go and tell her" swara said chuckling.kunj nodded vigorously.

"wait i will show how to purpose i am expert in it"kunj said and holds swara's hand.

"twirl her like this and purpose"kunj said while twirling swara in circe twice and push her down toward floor.

"and what if she said NO"lucky said worriedly.

"then tell her to go hell and leave her like this"kunj said and drop swara.she falls down on floor with thud.

"AAAAA!....mama"swara cried,gets up and runs to beat kunj.sanskar chuckles and takes sip from his black coffee.

"you idiot, mannerless jerk"swara said beating kunj with hands rapidly.

"enough of you two...focus on me"lucky said loudly.swara stops beating kunj but hit her knee in his stomach.

"take her out for party and purpose and don't you dare to do what he did'swara said angrily and slapped on kunj.he slaps her back on head.

"why will she come with me alone..."lucky said rubbing his forehead.

"arra!...alone we will also come na"kunj said with wide eyes.unj and lucky left for getting ready.swara looks at sanskar.

"you all came here for party or for study?...."sanskar asked in serious tone.

"you are also coming with us"swara said laughing.

"i have work....i am free like you"sanskar said,shooking his head.

"shut up go get eady..."swara ordered him and went inside her room.sanskar mouth gets a little open at her attitude.


swara and kunj made lucky drink few shots and push her toward ragini.

"i will also come...."kunj said near swara's ear because too loud music.swara nodded and turns toward sanskar.

"doing party is good for health...."swara said smiling,seeing him looking at her angrily.sanskar turned toward bartender and ordered drink for him.swara looks at her side where few friends were doing competition of drinking shots.her eyes sparkles with mischievousness.

"sanky let's have a competition like them"swara said pointing at the group.

"no way in hell....such a childish act"sanskar said in annoyed voice.

"do you say yes for anything?.....oh now i got are afraid of loosing"swara said in thoughtful tone.sanskar looks at her angrily.

"shut up...."

"coward coward coward"swara sings song not at all affected with his anger.

"if i won you will keep your mouth shut for one day"sanskar said getting into her trap.

"silent for one day"swara thought with wide eyes.

'afraid....."sanskar said with devilish smile.

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