Part 16

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"abheer i am going to bring swara here...just make garden presentable.she will directly go there"sanskar said chuckling.

abheer smiles,seeing him so happy.

"prince is she the one who is going stay in this house for very long period"abheer asked in serious tone.

"she is going to stay here for forever as long as i am here"sanskar said in same tone as his.

"then should i start calling you sanskar instead of prince"abheer asked in tease tone.sanskar laughed a little.

"arrange dinner in hall also...and no more questions"sanskar said,knowing that he is going to ask another question.

abheer bends his head.sanskar leaves from there.

After 20 minutes driving he stopped car and messaged swara to come down.swara comes out from house wearing a long blue gown.which was off from one shoulder.

sanskar skipped his heart beat,seeing her.she was looking very beautiful in his favourite color.swara sits on passanger seat and smiles.

"how am i looking?"swara asked in sweet voice.

"as always..."sanskar said and starts the engine.swara slaps on his shoulder.he chuckles.

"sanky where is garden?"swara asked the moment she stepped down from car.

"as expected..."sanskar murmured nd holds her shoulder.

"swara first take a look at house..."sanskar said and takes her inside,holding her hand.

swara looks around with amazment.she spended her whole life in big menstion but his house was like palace.sanskar stuffed his hands in his pant's pockets while watching her roaming around.

he was amused seeing her looking at everything so deeply.Maybe because she knows everything which was there belongs to her including ther person who was staring at her.

sanskar then takes her to garden.Instead of his big palace like house that large patch of grass bring AWW! look at her face.

"you liked it?"sanskar asked joining their hands.

"who will not like?"swara asked laughing a little and looks at him.sanskar kiss at her forehead.

"hey swara!...'abheer said,coming there.

"hey abheer!..what are doing here?"swara asked as she was not expecting him there.

"he is my PA..."sanskar said instead of abheer.

"oh!...."swara nodded her head.

"swara you are looking very beautiful"abheer complimented her.

"thank you abheer.....for whom i am so much ready.he didn't even say nice to me"swara said poutingly.

"come i want to show something else"sanskar said putting hand around her waist.

"you like hoarses..."swara asked seeing his collection of hoarses.

"hmm.....i love hoarses"sanskar said and whistled.

"i thought you love me..."swara said and hides her smile.sanskar looks at her.swara gigglyed.a black hoarse came toward them running.

swara gets scared seeing it coming like this,she was about to run but sanskar stops the hoarse like a professional person and caressed his neck.

sanskar sign her come close,swara shakes her head being scared.

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