Part 17

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Swara was giving water to her plants when sanskar hugs her from back and twirls her around twice.she screams a little and water pot falls down from her hands.sanskar chuckles seeing her scared.

"sanky you scared me..."swara said poutingly and slapped him on shoulder.

"morning..."sanskar said while chuckling and kissed on her head.

"when did you come from Mumbai?" swara asked with small smile.

"just now...i have a good news for you"sanskar said caressing her cheek.

"what is it?....marriage is after one week?"swara said getting excited like kid.sanskar laughed loudly,seeing her excitment.

"if you want...marriage will happen right now"sanskar said still chuckling.

"i was saying because you are can do anything"swara said hiding her blush completely.

"i just want you to come in my life with all rights as soon as possible"sanskar said in deep voice.swara stands on her toes and kiss on his cheek.

'now tell me good news..."swara said,keeping hands on his chest.

"don is arrested....he will be sent central prison today"sanskar said and swara's face was like 'O'.

"you are not lying?.."swara asked not able to believe.sanskar shakes his head.swara jumps and hugs him.

"i am so happy...finally i am free.."swara said in extra large voice.she breaks hug next instant.

"you know i was so scared...i didn't sleep whole night because of him"swara keep on blabbering and sanksar was feeling satisfied seeing her happy like that.

"i got it you are very happy now come with me"sanskar said and drags her with him.

"but my college?" swara said while walking with him.

"i very well know how much you study..."sanskar said in non-serious tone.swara's mouth gets open a little.

"how dare you said that,i am very good student..."swara said and punched him.

"i never saw you studying once...every night party then in morning hangover"sanskar said in mocking tone.swara's face turned red because of anger.

"i am not coming with you now.."swara said and free her hand with jerk which was enterwinged with his.

"swara okay fine i am are topper of class"sanskar said,chuckling a little.

swara shakes her head side to side with crossed arms.

"you are not coming with me?"sanskar asked and swara nodded in NO.sanskar shruggs and picks her up on shoulder like a potato sack and start walking.

"sanky leave me.i don't want to come with you"swara said and beats her little fists on his back.

"did i ask from you,swara you want to come with me or not? i told you to come with me"sanskar said in general tone.

"you are mannerless..."swara said and again hit on his back.sanskar puts her down when he reached near his car.swara looked with angry red face.

"this is the way to pick girl"swara asked throwing daggers at him.

"sit inside the car.."sanskar ordered her instead of answering.swara gritted her teeth and looks at his back.

"hey abheer!..."swara said waving her hand.sanskar turns his head and looks back.swara runs with full speed.

"my sandal will also not come with mannerless idiot like you"swara shouted while running.sanskar cursed himself and run after her.

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