Chapter 3 Ice Cream Anyone?

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De'Anna's POV 

I just got home from a long day of school, so I'm just gonna lay down and relax. Just then I heard a knock on my door, and I yelled for someone else to get it but I just remembered I'm the only one home. I got out of bed and walked to the door and opened it to see it was Maggie. "Hi De'Anna" she said with a big bright smile. "Hey" I replied. She walked in the house without an invitation and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a tub of ice cream, and a spoon and sat on the couch while eating the ice cream. Maggie was my best friend and i really don't know what I would so without her and nothing nor no one could break us apart. Then i heard another knock on the door and I figured the only person it could be was Debbie. Before I could open the door she screamed "It's hot let me in, because I know your home!". I opened the door and said "Yes of coarse I would never leave your outside in the heat, but arn't friends worth melting for?" she replied with "Not when they are eating Ice cream and didn't invite me over". "So are you gonna go skating tonight?" Maggie asked. "Only if your going" i replied." My Mom said she would drop us off, if your grandparents couldn't" she said and Debbie interrupted "You better let me come with you, because I've been practicing really hard". "You can come" I said and I noticed they both had bags of clothes with them so I guess they were getting ready here. A few hours later it was time to go, and Maggie's mom beeped the car horn for us to come outside. We each grabbed our bags and walked out the door, with me locking it behind me. On my way to the skating rink I texted Haley, Jasmine, and Victoria in a group message asking them if they were going skating. Jasmine replied "Yeah I'm already in line" Victoria said "Yeah I'm on my way there"  and Haley said "No because I'm too upset about the break-up". I knew she would do this and it's not because she is upset it's because she doesn't want to be seen in public without a boyfriend! I looked up and saw that we were there and hopped out of the car and was followed by Maggie and Debbie. We saw Jasmine and just got in line with her.   Then Victoria came and got in line with us. We payed to get in and walked to the back of the rink to put on our skates and put our stuff down. I went to skate and Debbie came next to me and fell because Maggie accidently tripped her. Two hours passed with alot of talking, eating and skating and Daniel never showed up and I was pissed. I knew he was jerk in the first place and now I totally lost every interest I ever had in him and I texted him "I hope you go die in a hole" with a smiley face. Now I was happy because I was finally over that jerk-off. The rest of the night was fun because at the last half hour Debbie did the races with the beginners and won 2nd place and it was like we gave her a million dollars. She was so happy! And now I know that I still don't want or need a boyfriend I just want my bestfriends, and I don't need someone like Haley as a bad influence.


I'm not too happy with this chapter but whatever and I want to let you all know that I will try to post everyday or every other day and also Debbie and Maggie are also writing books and here are their accounts so go check them out and read their new books. @magsrs123 and @Debbie_Girl Oh and also please don't stop reading now I have some great ideas for the rest of this book. ily all!!!

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