Forgive me....?

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CZ: A-ah...Sorry for screaming at you Aiko, I'm sorry for breaking your favorite game Katio, I'm sorry for stepping on your favorite fedora Kanohai, I'm sorry for Yelling and disrespecting Evans and Ari, and I'm really really really sorry for saying that I hated you and never loved you Sudoki...*chuckles* You probably won't forgive me either wa-

Evans:* Runs up to her and hugs her tightly tearing up* All I care about is my little sister being okay

CZ:*stares at him wide eyed then starts crying happily* I love you I'm so sorry I said all those things *sniffle

Evans: I'm sorry for not being the big brother you've always wanted

CZ: It's okay, but now...*turns to Kanohai* ...

Kanohai; it's fine, I have a billion anyway *gibes her a small smile*

CZ:*smiles* thank youI*looks  at Machi and aiko*

Machi: you hormonal teenagers got some fucked up antics but I can't blame you for being human *shrugs* just don't touch Aiko and we're good.

CZ:*sweatdrop* Okay..*looks at katio*

Katio: I'll let you go this ONE time....only.l because I recently ordered the limited edition version of that game.

CZ: Good! Aaaaand *looks at rythian* Thank you for panicking with me XD

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