Mae: fuCK WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET I HAVE A DAMN BOOK *face plants on her desk that's far far away *
CZ:*huff* wel-
Jacob:*comes through the door with a shit ton of bags then collapses on the floor pantibg*
Momo:*runs to him* HEY WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!
Jacob:*pant* Black Friday *pant* sales *pant* gotta get EM all bitch *pant* didn't sleep *pant* leave me the fuck alone *faints*
Katio:* looks over at the bags* huh, I didn't know you shoped at Forever 21*lifts up some of the bags* and the woman section too or is that just- AHHHH!
*falls*Momo:*looks at where katio was* what's wrong with you?!*looks down and also sees a passed out Shima who's wearing a cute lil girly outfit*
Katio: I barley recognized him!
Momo: you idiot he's just asleep tbats all
CZ: awww he looks so cute~
Kuro:*looks over them nonchalantly* watch what your saying acre, you know how Dean gets
CZ:*waves it off* whatever deans mah buddy he'll understand
Kuro:*sweatdrops* I wonder who told you that.
CZ: *looks through the stuff he got* awww he got a lot of cute little girly stu- ohhh no no no he's gonna have to return this shit
Momo: come on he can't have THAT bad of taste in clothi-*looks in the bag then runs to the other side of the room with a nosebleed* T-THATS TO REVEALING.
CZ:*is having a nosebleed also but doesn't notice it* y-yeah, even I do t wear this and I have some interesting choices in cosplay.....

It's a HUMAN that ASKS
AléatoireDumb shit. Try not to cringe. Oops looks like you failed.