The Nightmare

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Danny woke up in a cold sweat. He'd dreamed that the whole world had burned to ash and all he could do was observe. He hadn't been able to do anything. The young spirit groaned in anger and frustration.
He heard chains rattle and looked over to find Jack sitting across from him in the same cell.
"Hey Frosty, how has your day been?" Danny asked sarcastically.
Jack laughed humorlessly, "Pretty good. Well, except for the fact that we've been kidnapped. How about you?"
The Halloween spirit sighed, pulling his hood up, "Well, considering that my best friend is the equivalent to a monster now, pretty damn good." He brought his knees up to his chest. The chains on his ankles and wrists rattling as he did.
Jack sighed, "I'm sorry, Danny."
Said spirit stayed silent, listening to everything shift. His head snapped up when the sound of claws clicking on the floor resounded throughout Pitch's lair.
The second Fire's body came into view his eyes burned a dark green, "What the hell do you want, you bitch!?"
Nightmare Hound looked genuinely surprised at the outburst, but it didn't last long as a smirk spread across her lips, "Well, aren't you feisty." She sneered.
"I came down here to see if you were awake and, obviously, you are." Hound said with a grin.
"Now, I can do what I want." She hissed, so unlike Fire it wasn't even funny.
"How about I tell you about your friend hmm?" She asked rhetorically.
The Phantom of Halloween said nothing so she easily continued.
"Well, your friend loved you very much, that's true. She was so torn over what to choose. Of course, she figured you would be fine." Her eyes glowed slightly, "You had Jack, afterall. Why would you need her too?"
The salt and pepper haired teen scowled, clenching his fists, "Fire fought to the end. She fought the sand, but in the end not even she could spill all of her blood in time."
Hound smirked, "Speaking of which, did you know that she came up with a handy technique? She figured out a way to make the body produce more blood."
Suddenly, the nightmare version of Fire was there, right in front of him, her teeth centimeters away from his neck, "This is going to hurt."
Hound sunk her teeth into his neck, breaking the jugular vein while she set her hands on his chest, her fingers pressing into specific points.
Danny screamed, feeling her start sucking the blood from his veins and feeling something else take root inside him.
Jack jerked and yanked on the chains, "Stop! Don't do this!" A few more yanks, "Fire!" The chains didn't budge and Hound barely flinched.
The phantom shivered and eventually stopped making any noise. This prompted Nightmare Hound to let go and lick away the blood as the wound healed.
"What...what did...what did you do?" He asked breathlessly.
The wolf licked her lips and teeth, "When you fall asleep, you'll know and you will break." She smiled a fake soft smile, "You'll be with me, forever Danny." The phantom groaned as his eyes rolled shut.
Jack looked up at her angrily, the air chilling as wind whipped around him, "What did you do?"
Nightmare Hound merely smirked, "You'll see." Frost formed around her feet, but she didn't seem to notice as she walked out.
Jack looked at it in wonder as it spelled out words.
'Not enough power. Haven't given up yet. With-holding information. Made her forget. Save him.' It was a bunch of small phrases and sentences, but he got the gist of it.
He smiled, feeling something akin to bittersweet, "You haven't given up yet, huh mutt?" He muttered, watching the frost melt.
He leaned his head back against the stone wall, glancing at Danny's pained expression with a frown, "I hope you're telling the truth." He said quietly.
"He needs you." Jack muttered.
Across the lair, a single tear fell from Hound's red eye and anger boiled in the steadily growing corner of her mind.
'When I get enough power, I'll make you wish you'd never touched either of them.' Fire growled lowly, but didn't let Nightmare Hound hear her. Now was not the time to alert the fucking dog about her.
'Yeah, revenge is gonna be sweet.' She muttered, her eyes flashing red from the dark corner she was currently stuck in.

AN. There you go! Figured I'd update while everything is relatively calm and I'm not stressed out of my mind. That's a wrap!

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