Black Sand

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Danny stirred when he heard the cold thing he was cuddling groan. He furrowed his brow and snuggled a little closer if that was even possible.
He heard another groan and growled in distaste.
"Shut up." Danny mumbled. The soft thing he was hugged snickered.
"I never knew you were a cuddler."
Danny didn't bother denying it, the shame had long since faded and now that he knew it was Jack he was hugging he cared even less.
"Surprise." He grumbled, still holding onto the older spirit.
Jack sighed, "We have to get up. We have a Guardian Meeting to go to." Danny groaned and grumbled as he slowly sat up to face the other spirit.
"Do we really have to go?"
The winter spirit rolled his eyes, "Unless you want to get scolded by the Easter Kangaroo for not showing up we need to go."
The Halloween Spirit groaned again before he let Jack go and sat up, "Fine, let's go." His scythe formed in his hand and he smirked. Fire had really done a good job...
The winter spirit grinned, "Race ya!" Then in a blur of blue he was gone. Danny smirked and chased after him, "Get back here Snowflake!"

When they arrived at the pole Jack opened a window for Danny, "Lady's first." A vine came out from inside and pulled Jack into the Globe room.
Danny laughed as he said, "I guess that makes you the lady." Fire snickered as she let the vine wrap around her waist a few times.
"I'm gonna do that everytime you say something like that." The wolf girl said with a light smile. The winter spirit rolled his eyes and blew frost in her hair when he passed her. Fire huffed and patted down her hair to get rid of the icy magic.
The Spirit of Halloween snorted in laughter, a smirk on his lips, "Hey Jack, why are we here?"
North came rushing in with wide eyes, "You can change Sandy's dream sand to nightmare?!" His big blue eyes were looking at Danny. The Phantom looked at him in confusion.
Sandy floated up to them and quickly used ASL to explain.
Danny blinked at him, "Oh..." His brow furrowed.
"I'm sorry..." He said, backing away from the little man. Jack set a hand on his shoulder with a comforting smile while Fire smirked in satisfaction. Yep, she did that. Match making could be fun at times.
Tooth burst into the room in a flurry of feathers, "Am I late?! Tell me I'm not late!"
A hole in the floor was the only warning anyone got before Bunny jumped out, a blue flower left behind, making where the hole had been. Fire jumped at the chance to use her powers and quickly made a chair out of the small plant.
Bunny smiled slightly and nodded his thanks before he sat down. The wolf girl ignored him in favor of watching Tooth fuss over Sandy, then fuss over Jack and keep fussing over Jack until Danny growled at her.
Fire laughed at Tooth's expression before putting an arm around the fairy's shoulder, "Didn't you hear? They're together." She pulled Tooth a little closer so she could whisper in her ear.
"Between you and me you shouldn't try to take something away from a ghost. We tend to get a bit possessive." Her eyes flashed red before a sickly sweet smile graced her features and she let the other go. Tooth gulped and looked over at the couple. Jack had his arm around his Phantom's shoulders and was petting his hair to keep him from pouncing on Tooth. Murder glinted in the new spirit's eyes as he snarled at her.
Fire chuckled at the sight, I taught him well.
Tooth backed away until Phantom relaxed while the Guardian of the Forest snickered. The fairy was now backed against the opposite wall, her wings just barely brushing the wood. North watched in amusement while Bunny joined her in her snickering. Sandy smiled and congratulated the new couple. Phantom relaxed all the way, but kept an arm around Jack, not willing to let him go yet.
North cleared his throat, "Well, anyway, back to business, yes?"
Danny nodded and let his hold on Jack loosen slightly.
The winter spirit tapped the back of the other spirit's head with his staff before he said, "Maybe Danny can do that because he brings a type of fear?"
Hurt flashed across his boyfriend's face and Jack quickly elaborated, "It's a fun kind of fear, but it's fear."
Fire rolled her eyes, "Danny, you're the Phantom of Halloween. You do bring fear. It's enjoyable and fun, but it can still cause nightmares. It's not a bad thing though. It's your job to make sure kids have fun with being scared." She explained bluntly.
Danny hummed in thought while Jack glared at her, "I guess your right."
Bunny looked less than pleased though, "How do we know he won't end up like Pitch?"
Before anyone could react the wolf girl had him pinned to the wall with vines, her eyes glowing red as she prowled toward him with bared teeth.
"Danny isn't dark. He might bring fear now, but don't forget that he was a hero and still is." Fire slammed her hand down next to his neck as she glared into his forest green eyes.
"Me on the other hand, I will hurt you so it would be in your best intrest to not talk about Danny like that. Especially when he has Jack to take care of him now along with me."
With that all of the vines slithered back around her waist and she went to the window, the boys following after her as she opened it and jumped into the snow a few stories bellow.
With one final glance Jack and Danny left the other Guardians behind them.

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