Nightmare's End

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Hound's breath caught as the sand she'd wound around Danny's mind suddenly came undone. Recognition filled his rapidly brightening eyes as Jack groaned.
Sand slithered away from them and toward her to keep her temporary body from falling apart.
Danny blinked a few times and looked into Jack's confused electric blue eyes. He grinned giddily and hugged the winter spirit with all he had, "You're here!"
Jack stumbled a little and instinctively wrapped his arms around the younger spirit.
A sleigh landed a few yards away from the scene. A boomerang came out of nowhere and hit the winter spirit in the head.
He yelped and his hands went to his head.
Danny looked over at them, his eyes blazing a bright green and blue respectively as he growled, "You missed the party." He crouched down to take a look at the cut on Jack's forehead.
Bunny went charging toward Fire with his weapons out and she let out an amused snort.
Vines shot up from the dirt and created a cage around him.
"Oh, not gonna fight, aye mate?" He asked with a cocky smirk.
Fire bared her teeth at him, "I don't like the idea of killing a childhood idol."
His smirk dropped and he yelled, "At least I 'ave believas!"
The wolf girl laughed, "Oh yeah, they're doing wonders for you now, aren't they? Face it! That's the only comeback you have rodent!"
Danny glared at North, "We're fine! Pitch is over there so go take care of him."
The Russian man gave Danny one final look of worry before walking away, "Pitch! What 'ave you gotten into now, eh?"
The moon shone brightly over the small patch of land. Manny let out a sigh of relief as he sat back in his chair, 'That was a close one.'
The Phantom of Halloween helped Jack up with a smile, "Good to see you Frosty."
The white haired teen immediately wrapped his arms around the other's waist and kissed him like his life depended on it. Danny's eyes widened in shock before he readily returned the fierce kiss.
Fire and Bunny were still having a glaring match when Sandy floated up and knocked the giant bunny out.
The wolf looked over at him, daring him to just try putting her to sleep. The little man raised his arms in playful surrender and her lip quirked up.
Hound stared at the scene in distaste, "Great, just great." She muttered.
The Guardian of the Forest looked her way before walking over.
They just kinda looked at each other for a moment before Fire spoke, "You gave me a lot of trouble, ya know? You hurt Danny, you hurt Jack, and you nearly drove me crazy."
The dog just gave her a steady, blank look.
The wolf hybrid sighed and rubbed her brow, "Despite that, I'm willing to embrace you. You are my darkness, afterall." Her smile wasn't soft in the least. It was sharp with an edge of warning. If Hound ever crossed the line, she was so much more than dead.
The black dog held out her hand and Fire hesitated before taking it.
The black sand trailed up her arm and wrapped around her neck like a collar.
"I'll be there when I'm needed." Was all Hound said before her physical body disintegrated.
Pitch watched as North started cutting the vines, noticing how Fire winced.
"Stop! I'll do it!" She finally yelled. Then, her eyes turned red and thorns stabbed into the Nightmare King.
"There, done." She said, but the voice didn't sound quite right.
The wolf girl shook her head and blinked before scowling, "Hound..." she snarled. The collar around her neck shifted and black sand caressed her cheek as if to apologize.
She merely rolled her eyes, but didn't stop the thorns from impaling Pitch.
"Yep, he's fine. Let's go home."
Tooth stared at her in disbelief, "Do you have any mercy?"
Fire gave her a deadpan expression as she flicked her tail in irritation, "My definition of mercy and yours are very different."

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