Sweet Nightmares

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He couldn't see. It was so dark.  He couldn't see anything. Where was he? Danny slowly managed to open his eyes. The room he was in was so dim and everything hurt. Where was he? Why was he there? Something nagged at the back of his mind, but he couldn't figure out what it was. He heard a gasp coming from beside him before he was wrapped up in warm arms.
"I thought you'd actually ended yourself this time." a female voice cried. Sam, it was Sam. He returned her hug, sighing in relief.
"What happened?" he asked. There was something off, something wasn't right. He knew something wasn't right. Something big was missing from this picture. Two big things, actually.
"Where's Jack and Fire?" he asked quietly.
The raven haired teen pulled away and gave him a sad smile, "Fire said to not blame yourself." He felt his heart stop. What? "You were dying. She said that, between the two of you, you'd managed to take Dan out for good." No, no she couldn't be... "Fire used the last of her core's power to heal you." No... "We collected what we could of what was left of her..." Tears streamed down her face, "Danny, she's...she's..."
He got up off the bed and transformed, flying out the window. Anger boiled in his mind and he felt his heart shattering. She'd saved him. Fire had...Danny got even more angry when something inside his mind protested that something still wasn't right.
"Jack!" he called out. "Where are you?" There was nothing in response. Not even a light breeze to assure him that his boyfriend was coming to him. The ghost hugged himself, shuddering at the cold, empty pit in his stomach.
"Why aren't you here?" There was a loud crash from bellow and he saw Sam lying in the street. Blood pooled around her body and police showed up a minute later. He floated there, watching with wide eyes. No...She'd gone out to go after him. Danny flew down to her and knelt down, tears in his emerald eyes.
"No..." he whispered. Then, there was a light breeze and he took off toward the park. He waited for Jack, but he never came. He was left alone. No one was coming for him. He bowed his head and brought up his knees to his chest, hugging them close.
"My parents are in the dark, Jazz and Tucker wouldn't understand, Sam is dead, F-Fire is dead, Jack isn't coming..." he listed off. Phantom shut his eyes tightly, what's the point? I couldn't even save Sam and she was right there...She was right bellow me.


"Danny!" Jack yelled. The Halloween spirit had yelled for him in his sleep, but it didn't seem like the spirit could hear him. He'd yelled for him a few times, but still nothing. Tears were streaming down the teen's face and his hair was slowly turning a dark grey like the sand he and Sandy had been able to create... Jack froze. No...no, no, no, NO!!
"Hound! Stop! Please, you're going to make him go insane!" he yelled into the darkness. There was a light chuckle and a pair of mismatched eyes glowed in delight, the red a bit dimmer than the gold though.
"That's the idea." she hissed lowly, stepping from the shadows as her tail wagged lightly. "The sand I forced his body to create wasn't nightmare sand." Her smirk was as sharp as a razor blade, "I forced his body to create dream sand. Of course, I had to snatch some from the surface in order to manage it, but that was a calculated risk." The dog that took Fire's place waved her hand dismissively.
The frost spirit glared at her, growling under his breath, "When I get out of here, I'm gonna-"
Hound barked out a laugh, "You won't be able to do anything to me." She smiled in fake apology, "When Danny wakes up, he won't kill you, but he will make you into a puppet. I'm sorry, but Frosty, you won't be beating me up anytime soon."
The white haired boy yanked on his chains and struggled to free himself, but to no avail, "At least let him sleep peacefully. Please, I..." His blue eyes dimmed slightly, "I don't want to hear him scream again."
The nightmarish dog stood there for a moment, looking as though she were weighing her options before she threw nightmare sand over the other spirit's head. The winter spirit groaned and fell limp, whimpering in his sleep.
"There, now you can't hear him." Nightmare Hound said with a smirk. Then, she glanced over at Danny, snorting softly, "Sweet dreams...peaceful sleep..." She shook her head, "So overrated. When you're by my side, you'll both understand." Nightmare Hound smiled a bit, "You'll have sweet dreams forever." She said, fake sweetness easily rolling off her tongue. With that, she walked back into the shadows and used them to get back to her room.
Pitch watched with a satisfied smile on his face, "This is perfect. That mutt is more useful than I first thought, but with Phantom and Frost working with her and I..." He smiled cruelly, "The Guardians will fall."
In the sky, Manny sighed, "I can't do anything, my Guardians. I don't know where they are." he whispered. "Please, just stay strong."

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