Nightmare Hound

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Danny and Jack flew back to the pole as fast as they could, "I don't get it Jack! Why did she do it?! Siding with Pitch..." He clenched his eyes shut, holding onto his scythe tighter.
"She's not a monster..." Jack looked over at him with a sad, worried expression.
"I'm so sorry, but we'll get her back." The blue clad spirit smiled weakly, "I promise." The Phantom of Halloween nodded, using his sleeve to wipe his eyes before glancing down at the weapon in his hand.

Fire focused on the small tree, "Come on..." The wolf girl's face was scrunched in concentration. Her hands were just barely touching the tree, but slowly, the roots of the tree came together as did the branches. They wrapped around the thin twig of a tree and strengthened it. She smiled giddily and poured more power into it so it would be a good walking stick.
After that was done, Fire yanked it out of the pot it had been in with a smile, "I did it!"
Jack gave her an amused look while Danny looked expectant. No way was that it.
The wolf girl didn't seem to notice as her eyes wandered around, humming lightly. Then, she took the stick and walked over to where she could see all the yeti making toys. Her eyes lit up dangerously as she smirked and turned into smoke.
A few minutes later, Fire had a bunch of broken metal toys on the floor in front of her. The wolf hybrid took a deep breath and blew flames at them hot enough to make it easy for her to work with.
Danny watched as she started molding the metal like clay, creating a blade. He shook his head with a fond smile. He knew the stick wasn't all she had planned.
The wolf girl made quick work of cooling it and sharpening the metal. She hummed as she set the walking stick down next to the blade. Vines wrapped around it as the wood on the stick opened up, growing around the stainless steel mixed with magic and iron. Fire had kept several holes at the broad part of the blade so it wouldn't fall off and hurt someone.
Danny looked at it in awe as she picked it up. Then, after taking one look at his expression, she handed it to him.
"Here, it fits your look better than mine." The wolf girl smiled as he took it from her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
Fire scoffed, "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't give it to you."

Danny smiled at the memory. It had only been a little while ago that she'd given the scythe to him. It had only been a little while ago that she'd played match maker. It had only been a little while ago that they'd died one final time to become Guardians...
He sighed and shook it off. Now wasn't the time to be dwelling on this.
When they got back to the pole, Bunny stomped up to them, "Where's Fire?"
Danny choked on his own breath, "Gone...she's gone." The Guardian of Fun set a hand on his shoulder as if to remind him that he wasn't alone.
Tooth flitted up to them, "Gone? What? Where did she go?"
Sandy gave them a confused look before it dawned on him. The gold man signed at Jack so fast that the poor spirit almost didn't understand.
The white haired teen nodded, "Fire went with Pitch. The sand that Danny can create causes temporary insanity..." He tightened his grip on Danny's shoulder as reassurance that he wasn't going anywhere.
The phantom cleared his throat, "Fire...she's not a monster. She wouldn't do this without a reason."
North sighed tiredly, rubbing his forehead, "Well, nothing we can do now but search and wait."
Bunny's ears went down, "Mate...I'm sorry." Danny tightened his grip on his scythe.
His lips pulled back in an animalistic snarl while his eyes glowed blue and green respectively, "You should be." The Phantomof Halloween slammed his scythe down and teleported away to the roof.

Danny sat down on the roof, his knees drawn up to his chest with his scythe laying at his feet. The mismatch eyed boy sighed, curling up a bit more.
From the shadows, Pitch grinned as he silently ordered his new toy to go to work. One red and one gold eye looked at the huddled figure before the eyes closed.
Out from the shadows walked Fire Wolf. She changed her fur back to what it was before the nightmare sand was added. Her eyes were a bit harder to change back, but she managed. A small part of her yelled and screamed to leave Danny alone, but it was ignored.
'This is what I was made for.' She thought. Fire silently moved through the snow on the roof, sitting down next to the phantom.
"Why are you moping?" The wolf girl asked with a small smile. It looked warm and inviting, but if you looked close enough, it was slightly off. A little too big.
Danny's head snapped to face her, his jaw dropping, "How...?" Then, he smiled so big that she thought his face would split in half.
"Fire!" He said happily, tackling her into the snow and rubbing his cheek against her soft fur.
Fire yelped in surprise, scowling at first, but quickly hid her irritation with a wall of fake fondness. She wouldn't admit it now, but he did look cute. Kinda like an excited puppy.
"Okay, it's okay." She pet his hair gently. "I'm right here, but Danny..." He looked up at her, his eyes brimming with happy tears. The small part of her mind's heart shattered. The wolf girl felt the expression chip her stone heart, but just a little.
"I have to ask you...why not join me?" She asked, a barely noticable smirk turning her lips up a bit more and nearly ruining the warm smile.
Danny blinked, "Join you?" Confusion came first, then the realization.
"You aren't Fire, are you?" He asked, his voice radiating anger and heart-break.
Fire nodded, "I'm still me Danny. I've just..." Her flame turned black while her eyes went back to being mismatched; one red and one gold.
"Been improved." She finished, grinning at him even as he scrambled away from her.
"Come on! Why not join us? We'll be together again! We'll be partners." The wolf girl said, holding out her hand.
Danny shook his head, "You know that I-"
"Can't?" She questioned. "Why can't you? You don't have an obsession anymore. You aren't a ghost, Danny."
The wolf hybrid slowly started walking around him like a predator would it's prey.
"What exactly has Jack done for you? I know that you don't trust the Guardians as much as you let on and, really..." Fire made the circle smaller when Danny started relaxing little by little.
"What side would Jack choose? If the Guardians chose to kill or destroy me, do you honestly think Jack would side with you?" She asked, a sneer on her face. "Would Jack choose you over his new family?" The wolf hybrid paused, "No, better question, would you if you were him?"
Danny thought about it, his grip on his scythe relaxing a bit more, 'no, I wouldn't, but...' He looked up at Fire's face, then looked down at her hand, 'would it be worth it?'

AN. Ta-da! Another cliff hanger! Hope you enjoyed! That's a wrap!

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