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Danny's body shuddered as he slowly opened his eyes, but they were no longer mismatched green and blue. Instead, they were completely black with a white pupil. The chains rattled when he moved, staring blankly down at his hands. A small whimper alerted him that he wasn't alone.
His head snapped up, dark grey hair falling in his face.
Recognition flitted through his eyes and a grin bordering on insane spread across his face. Danny looked down at the chains and easily used his power to teleport so he could get free. He reappeared in a crouch in front of Jack.
Danny brushed the hair out of the winter spirit's pale face. Frost made the white strands sparkle along with the top part of the blue hoodie. The brown pants the spirit had on hugged his strong legs and slim waist. He was beautiful.
The grey haired spirit placed a hand on Jack's chest, right over his heart. Strings of dark grey sand peirced the clothing and soundlessly slipped under the frost spirit's skin. Jack whined and shifted uncomfortably while frost patterns crawled and ice around them. Danny pressed harder for another minute before letting go.
His insane grin spread wider, "Join me, Snowflake." He giggled. Then, the Halloween spirit leaned forward and captured the older spirit's lips.
"I need you." He murmured into the kiss.
After a minute, Jack started returning the kiss. His eyes fluttered open and they looked more like a grey wolf's blue eyes than the electric blue they had been. His gaze still made Danny shiver as he pressed closer.
Chains rattled as the white haired spirit wrapped his arms around Danny's waist and deepened the kiss. His teeth gently nibbled at the black eyed spirits lips.
Before things could go further, Hound materialized behind the couple. She stared with fond amusement, her tail swishing lightly.
In the tucked away corner of her mind, Fire smiled sadly, 'Even now they still have feelings for each other.'
Danny broke away from Jack upon sensing her presence, "Promise me that you won't leave me."
Jack opened his eyes and smiled softly, "I'll never leave you. I promise."
Fire felt herself crumble a little, 'Oh, I wish I could've lived up to that promise.'
Hound sighed, "It's time to go see Pitch."
Danny smirked with a giggle, "How about we all have some fun instead?"
The white haired teen looked confused before smirking, already on board,"Sure, we haven't had the time to do that before."
They looked at Nightmare Hound expectantly, "Huh? Wait, you mean..?" She looked shocked. Fire was even more shocked, 'What?' She asked Hound breathlessly.
'They want us to-'
'I know!' She interupted. 'Uh, completely your call. I have no idea what to think here. I don't want to, but I don't have a choice if you say yes.'
Hound paused, then smiled devilishly, "Hell yeah, let's do it."

AN. I'm gonna keep you guessing on this one. That's a wrap!

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