Definition of Mercy

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Tooth fluttered up to Fire, anger on her face, "What exactly is your definition of mercy!?" She yelled, not believing her ears.
Fire glared at her, "Tell me, what's yours?"
The fairy immediately said, "Mercy is showing compassion for someone. It's showing forgiveness, not killing someone."
The wolf girl just gave her a bored expression, "There is a point where compassion and forgiveness doesn't do shit." She stated bluntly. "Do you think his nightmare sand would've given him mercy?" Before Tooth could answer Fire continued, "No, it wouldn't have." She took a step closer, standing tall at her full height, "What I just did was mercy. Fear will never die. He's still alive somewhere, but this time he won't have to physically fight his own sand to reform his body."
The younger guardian sighed, her ears falling half mast, "That was the best I could give. Mercy to me is ending someone else's pain as quickly as possible, whether it be healing them...or letting them die." She looked up into shocked violet eyes, scowling, "Only those that have fought and want to live get mercy." The collar around her neck shifted again and she sighed, touching it lightly. "That's why I'm going to protect it." Her ears perked up as she smirked, "Guardian of Mercy, has a nice ring to it." The moon shined brighter in agreement.
Fire looked over at the two boys and smiled, "I better go. I don't think I'll be on good terms with any of them for a long while." Her smile grew sad when she saw Danny's expression, "You know where to find me."
With that, the wolf girl ran away into the woods. Into the shadows where Hound helped her disappear.
Danny sighed, leaning into Jack's chest, "We're gonna have to do some convincing, won't we?" He asked.
Jack nodded with a sigh, "Unfortunately, I think we will." Tooth looked confused and sad. North looked conflicted. Sandy looked like he wanted to chase after her and solve this problem now. Bunny was still asleep, but they all knew his opinion of her. He'd voiced it a lot lately.
Meanwhile, Fire was still running. Running to the place where everything started for her. The place that had exploded. The place she'd never thought she'd go back to.
The wolf girl cringed as she stood up on two legs and walked the rest of the way there. It still smelled faintly of burning wood and piles of ash were spread out all over.
The GIW headquarters was definitely destroyed.
The soft ash felt like a softer version of sand under her paws as she walked,  "So, this is what it looks like now." Fire muttered.
'This is where you were created.' Hound stated. The wolf girl hummed lightly in response.
'Why come back here?'
The Guardian of Mercy smirked, "It's mostly for the irony, but..." She sighed, her smirk turning into a sad smile, "Danny will know where to find me if I stay here."

A few days later, the seasonal spirits caught wind that Jack was going out with the new Spirit of Halloween with an undetermined center. They also found out that the phantom was male. This would not bode well for anyone involved...

AN. Okay! I haven't updated in a while so you get two shortish chapters! Yay! That's a wrap!

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