Nightmare Hound (Part 2)

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Danny looked at the outstretched hand, biting his lower lip. Should he? He would be abandoning Jack...He barely knew him though. What would the frost spirit do if he had the choice? Probably walk away and go back to those he cared for, but that was just it though... Fire was the one he cared for. Yes, he really liked Jack, maybe even loved him, but it was too soon to say.
Fire saw the war behind his eyes and decided to see how far she could push him, "Danny, don't tell me that you're actually going to leave me in the dark for someone you barely know; for people you barely know." She reached out a bit more.
"I've said it before Danny, every darkness needs a light." The wolf girl wanted to step forward, but pushed the temptation away, "I need you, Danny." Her voice was soft and vulnerable. When he looked up, he saw that her eyes were glossed over with tears.
"But...Jack needs me too." He said, completely conflicted.
Fire sighed, "Please Danny..." she whispered gently, "I miss you."
He looked at her helplessly, "Then come back to me! Why did you leave?"
The mismatch eyed girl hugged herself with the arm that wasn't outstretched, "I'm a monster, Danny. I lose control and I..." A plan formed in her head and she smirked internally.
"Instead of being afraid of that piece of myself, I embraced it." Her smile was so soft. Exactly the way he remembered it and if he really looked, he could see the silver in her eyes shining brightly.
"Please Danny...I need you and I miss much." Tears went down her face and Danny felt like he'd been punched in the gut.
Meanwhile, Jack flew around the workshop as fast as he could. He'd looked everywhere he could think of except- his eyes widened.
"Of course!" He flew out the nearest window and looked around. He was able to spot two dots of black. One was obviously Danny, the shine of the scythe blade gave that away, but the other... Jack flew down and landed behind Danny. Blue eyes widened at the sight of Fire.
"Danny, whatever she said, don't believe her." The older spirit said firmly.
His boyfriend didn't turn around, instead, he listened to what Fire said next, "Danny, please, you promised you'd never leave me."
Her expression was hurt, "Are you going to give up on me now, when I really need you?"
Jack saw Danny stiffen. Then, the phantom ran up to Fire and wrapped his arms around her. The 300 year old watched her expression shift into one of triumph.
"Well, that was a good show." A British accent chimed. "I really like this girl." When he turned around he saw Pitch a second too late.
When Jack fell to the snow covered roof unconscious, Danny gaped at Pitch before going to run to him. A burning hand on his shoulder caused him to hiss and stopped him in his tracks.
Betrayal made his insides twist and clench harshly, "Fire, what-"
"No." She said simply, a smirk curling on her lips, "I'm Nightmare Hound and you," The newly dubbed Nightmare Hound laughed, "You mean nothing to me."
Danny's fists clenched, "Poor Fire, she was broken inside. The ruins did make for good walls though." Hound frowned dramaticly as she cooed, "The sand you made broke what you were rebuilding."
"You liar! Fire is strong! She never-" He was cut off by the wolf putting a hand over his mouth and pulling him to her chest.
"You know, if you're called a monster for long enough, you start to believe it even after so many sappy assurances." She continued.
"I think you forget though, Phantom." Her lips went down to his ear as she growled, "I'm just as powerful as she was, maybe even more so."
Nightmare Hound leaned back up with a smirk, "I look forward to breaking you." Then, Danny was knocked out by nightmare sand. Her words had left him shocked still. Why hadn't Fire told him?
"Hmph, brat." Hound said, though there was a fondness in her voice.
Pitch smirked, "Well done. Any problems with the mutt?"
The spirit in question shook her head, "No, she's been quiet." A grin spread across her face, "I think she's given up."
The Nightmare King nodded, "We should go before the cavalry shows up."
She nodded slightly, "Right." Nightmare Hound was about to tell Pitch something...something important, but she couldn't remember what it was.
The Boogie Man noticed her perplexed look, "Something wrong?"
Hound hesitated before replying, "No, I just..." She shook her head, "It's nothing. I'm sure I'll remember what I wanted to tell you later."
The black robed man hummed as all four of them were swallowed by the sand and transported back into Pitch's lair.
Inside the wolf's mind, the small, troublesome part kept knowledge of some of Danny's powers at bay, along with new the newly discovered power of teleportation.
'I haven't given up yet.' Silver eyes glared at the darkness inside her mindscape. 'I might not be able to fight now, but you will slip up.' The eyes narrowed as they turned red, 'When you do, I will be there.' They softened when Danny showed up in the flashes of images she could see, 'Hang on for a little longer, Danny. I will help you...somehow.'

AN. There! I'm updating again! Happy?! The correct answer is yes because I stayed up longer than I wanted to just for you guys! Seriously though, all joking aside, I hope you liked this chapter. That's a wrap!

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