Fun Times

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Nightmare Hound stood there in shock. This...hadn't been what she expected.
Jack's grey wolf blue eyes narrowed as he threw a snowball at Danny. The insane spirit dodged out of the way and returned fire.
Hound's eye twitched, "This isn't what I thought you meant when you said fun." Fire had been just as shocked, but found it amusing and started laughing rather quickly. She was still snickering at the back of their, for the moment, 'shared' mind.
Danny paused in what he was doing, making a snowman, to look at her, "What did you think we were going to do?" He asked slyly.
Jack stopped making snowballs to look at her too, "Oh, she thought we were going to do something naughty!" The winter spirit said with a sing-song tone.
Nightmare Hound smirked, flicking her tail, "You're saying you don't want to?" She raised a brow at them.
They both looked at each other before looking back at her, "Maybe."
Fire stopped laughing, deciding to watch instead.
Hound narrowed her eyes, "Oh really? Do you find me unappealing?"
Grey sparkling frost crackled around her as the boys grinned.
"Are you in heat or did you just wanna get laid?" Danny asked, insanity clear on his expression.
Nightmare's fur bristled and the trees shuttered, knocking the snow off their branches. The frozen water then landed on both of the spirit's heads while the dog's flame melted the snow and evaporated the water before it could hit her.
She cocked her head to the side, "Well, how about this then?" Hound raised her hands up to shoulder level and over one hundred wooden hands shot out with snowballs at the ready.
Jack smiled, laughing, "That's so cool!"
Danny's eyes widened as he watched her make the mother of all snowballs, "That's gonna be even cooler." He said in awe. They boys then promptly turned around and ran away.
Hound chuckled darkly as her red eye glowed a little brighter while her gold eye darkened in color, "I'm gonna get you two!" All of the hands threw their snowballs all at once and she grunted as she threw the biggest one. It had a diameter of 30 feet and it thundered across the snow. Thankfully, Pitch moved the location of his lair so there weren't many trees around. He'd moved it to somewhere a little farther away from Burgess, but not so far that Jack couldn't fly to his pond within a few hours. Not that he would want to now though.
Jack looked over his shoulder and watched as the ball of snow got bigger. He could stop it or simply get out of the way, but what was the fun in that? Apparently, Danny had the same thought process because he was still running instead of flying. A huge grin was plastered on his face as he ran.
Hound was following the snowball while having to listen to Fire's laughter.
Oh, I got an idea.
The dog grinned with a chuckle, that was a good idea. Nightmare took a deep breath and blew out as much cold air as she could. The snowball went faster and changed course so that it was in the process of turning back around.
Jack and Danny had to push their limits when trying to get away. The winter spirit nearly cursed when he finally realized that the wind was another thing that was keeping the ball rolling, but supposed that it was a good thing because that way he could stop it from anything that could attract attention.
After another few minutes Danny was running backwards and throwing snowballs over the giant one Hound had made. Jack as directing him so he wouldn't trip or run into anything while also throwing snowballs. The former Guardian of the Forest protested that using the wind was cheating and did her best to return fire by using her power over plants. It wasn't the best thing to do, but it was working.
Danny yelped when he suddenly ran into something and turned both him and Jack intangible before they could be crushed. The thing, or person in this case, he'd run into wasn't so lucky.
The snow shifted and Pitch made it all explode around them in a flurry. Snowflakes covered him from head to toe as he glared at them.
The younger spirits all looked at each other before laughing hysterically at the sight. Hound was leaning against a tree while Jack leaned on his shepard's staff that Hound had managed to find before they left. Danny was leaning on the winter spirit in near tears, sand shedding off of him from how hard he was shaking.
Pitch though, he was far from amused, "Enough! What are you doing!?" He silently ordered the sand to get the snow off of him so they'd stop laughing at him. He was the Boogie Man, damn it!
Hound took deep breath to try and calm down, "Well, w-we were having f-fun. It started out as me getting irritated with them and throwing that giant snowball."
Jack looked up, amusement shining in his dulled eyes, "It was great!"
Danny, who still couldn't speak, nodded in agreement.
Gold eyes glared at them and he clenched a fist. Hound's eyes widened and she screamed in pain, curling up into a ball.
"Stop! Stop! Please!" She yelled, clawing at her hair.
"I created you to obey me!" The Boogie Man growled.
Although he found the girl's pain extremely funny, Danny felt himself stiffen, but he wasn't sure why until he saw Hound freeze. Slowly, she lifted her head, both of her eyes glowing a bright red.
"Made to obey you?" She said lowly. Vines shot out of the ground and tied Pitch up so tightly he couldn't even wiggle his fingers, let alone call his nightmare sand.
"Don't make me laugh."

AN. Well, there you go! Hehe! Hope you liked it! No smut in this chapter. Sorry! I was gonna, but I decided against it at the last second. I didn't like how it made the story flow so...yeah. That's a wrap!

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