Toffee x Reader Part 1

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Healing Broken Hearts

(This takes place in an alternate universe where the reader replaces Star as daughter of Moon and River. Sorry if you wanted Star in it! ❤️ Also, Toffee doesn't immediately heal or grow back for the sake of the plot.)

"But mom, why do monsters have to be bad?" little (y/n) asked innocently, gazing up in to the blue eyes of her mother.

Queen Moon bent over the bed to tuck her daughter in. "That's just how it is," she replied. She placed a kiss on her forehead before turning and heading towards the door. "Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the monsters bite!"

"Goodnight Mommy," replied (y/n) with a yawn.

~~time skip by many years~~

(Y/n) walked slowly through the trees, carefully gripping her family's heirloom, a magic wand, in her hand. Of course, she wasn't allowed to be out in the forest, especially at night, but what get parents didn't know wouldn't kill them. At least, that's what (y/n) thought as she wandered. She wasn't far from the outskirts of the village, and as a newly aged adult, she knew she could defend herself. However, it was very late in the night, she was very tired, and the grass at the bottom of a tree looked so much more comfortable than the thought of walking for much longer, and before she knew it, (y/n) had fallen asleep. She found herself regretting coming out so late as she fell unconscious, but she knew she wouldn't have been able to resist the adventurous change to her sheltered life.

It wasn't long after (y/n) fell asleep that she was awoken by the sounds of fighting close by. She stumbled to her feet, rubbed the sleep from her tired eyes, and headed in the direction of the noise. (y/n) peeked from behind a tree and saw the strangest sight she had ever seen in her short life:

There was a tall, blue lizard man. He had black hair that was slicked back and reached nearly to his shoulders. He was dressed in a leather jacket, with boots that reached just below his knees. His clothes were slightly torn up from battling. He held a sickle tightly in his clawed hand. His foe was a large, feral beast that remained covered by the surrounding shadows.

The beast made loud snarling and roaring sounds as the lizard danced around his blows and managed to land some of his own. The curved weapon, although mostly used to sever heads, worked decently to cut the beast. It was as the stranger was aiming one of these cuts that he was thrown to the ground by a swipe of the beast's massive paw. (Y/n) knew now that she had to stop watching and take action.

(Y/n) sprung from her hiding spot, and the beast turned it's fierce, glowing eyes to her. Holding her wand straight out, she let out a series of magical blasts, each perfectly hitting it's mark on the beast's body. With one last enraged roar, it lumbered off in to the forest.

The lizard had not moved since his fall, and upon kneeling next to him, the princess discovered that he lay unconscious. He had many scratches and cuts, and even a few bite marks, as if he had been fighting many different creatures for a long time. (Y/n) knew that with so many wounds, he wouldn't be able to defend himself for much longer. Being knocked out on the forest floor didn't help him either. She had to bring him to safety so she could heal him before it was too late.

(Y/n) had practiced healing spells since she first began to learn magic when she was fourteen. Although she knew many other kinds of spells, she found healing the most useful. Healing people made her feel like she was doing something good in a world full of tragedies, and she made it her duty to help anyone who needed it, even if they were a monster.

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