Rasticore x Reader

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Love Regenerates

(Request for @HeatherAllen017! Sorry it took a while and that it's short. I got my wisdom teeth removed so I'm in a lot of pain.)

The (h/c) girl wandered through the maze like shelves in the store. Of course, this wasn't just any store. This was Quest Buy, a shopping center infamous for confusing its customers. She didn't want you admit it, but she was lost in this labyrinth. She had been here for a hours now, and by this point, she had forgotten what it was she even came to buy. She was simply searching for an exit, but that was not what she found.

She rounded the corner and ran straight in to the firm chest of a stranger. At least, she thought it would be a stranger, but after she picked herself up and began to rapidly apologize, she realized she was wrong. Her (e/c) orbs landed on the huge silhouette of a tall green lizard man. His yellow eyes stared back down at her. A large purple cape covered most of his muscled body, his left arm appeared to be made of metal, and his left eye was replaced with a deep purple gem. Despite his strange new attire, the girl was still able to bring his name to her lips. "Rasticore?" It was not a name she had spoken in years, one she thought she would never utter again.

"(Y/n)?" His voice was deep and raspy. Just as she remembered it. "Is that really you?"

"I'm the only me," she replied with a chuckle. "At least, I think I am."

"I can't believe it!" Without further hesitation, the frilled lizard scooped the female up in to his arms and spun her around. She cried out, though he wasn't sure if it was in happiness out fear.

"Rasticore, let me down!" she squealed, patting his back with her fists in protest.

The large monster seemed unfazed by her actions, but set her back down on the ground anyways. She was beaming. "Rasti, what happened to you? Where have you been?" (Y/n) asked. "It's been so long..." Her smile faded.

Rasticore let out a heavy sigh. "I've gone through a lot."

"So I see." The girl peered up at the gem that covered the spot where his eye once was. "The last time I saw you... The general had been defeated. You ran in to the forest. We got separated..."

"I thought you were dead." The lizard spoke slowly, afraid to upset her. He averted his gaze.

"I thought the same of you," she replied. "But I have to ask you something, Rasti." He looked at her with curiosity sparkling in his one remaining eye. "Do you still love me?"

He didn't reply for a moment. His expression was blank. He seemed to be remembering what they used to share, and in that moment, (y/n) let herself reflect too.

Many years ago, the two had met during a rally of rebel monsters. Of course, (y/n) was not a monster herself, but she had no allegiance to the royal family either. She didn't exactly know her own reasoning for joining the rally, but she felt it was something she had to do. Not only that, but the general of this new rebel legion, who was nicknamed "The Lizard", seemed to be a powerful person. (Y/n) felt she was on the right side; the winning side.

She met the Septarian man when she was assigned to share a tent with him and two other monsters. Instantly, she knew there was something special about him, though she couldn't place it at the time.

Being within such close quarters with the other people made their bonds stronger as the days passed. They fought together, ate together, and slept together. It was only a matter of time until one of the two friends made a move on the other.

It was Rasticore who gave the first hint, though hint would have been an understatement. She was eating next to him when he turned to her and stated simply "(y/n), I like you."

From that moment forth, emotions blossomed that neither of them had experienced before. They spent more time together than ever. "I love you" became a phrase they would toss around like nothing. It wasn't that it didn't mean anything,in fact, it took a lot of effort to say it the first time. It was simply that they enjoyed being able to express their feelings in what few ways they could. They did, after all, share a tent with two other soldiers.

After the defeat of The Lizard and the retreat of his army, the two had gotten separated. Without any way of contacting one another, they assumed the worst and attempted to move on. In the long years that had passed, their hearts had grown cold at the lack of affection. They never expected to see each other again. And now, here they were, reunited at long last.

"I don't know," he finally replied. His tone was hushed and his words were hesitant.

(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief. "I don't know if I do either, honestly. We were away for so long..."

Rasticore rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at his face, one that she had once looked at so fondly. "Maybe we could try again."

"You really think that could work?"

He nodded. "It could regrow, like my body." He gestured to his arm. Although it was now covered in metal, (y/n) knew it had once been severed and regenerated many times over in the past.

She gave him a soft chuckle. "Yes, I'd like that."

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