Toffee x Reader Part 3

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Healing Broken Hearts

(This is probably going to end up being like six parts long tbh.)

"Oh, uh, hi Mom," (y/n) said weakly, staring at the ground. Her stomach had dropped and she felt sick.

"Where were you?" Moon crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

"I was just taking a walk," she replied far quickly. She was nearly in a panic. How much did her mother know?

"In that dress?"

"I uh, well, yeah, about that- I- it's- you know..." (Y/n) couldn't think of an excuse.

"It's a boy, isn't it?" Her mother's glare faded into a soft smile. She took her daughter's shoulders and gently sat the both of them on the bed. "It's about time you were seeing someone, dear."

"Uh, yeah, I guess you're right."

"So, when will I be meeting this lucky young man?" Her mother's smile grew.

The panic that had begun to fade quickly arose again. "I don't know," she replied slowly. "He's uh, shy."

"Nonsense! If he is to be the future king of Mewni, he must meet your father and I."

"Mom, I just uh... You'll meet him when the time is right, okay?"

"I suppose that's fine." Moon then stood up and made her way to the door. "Goodnight (y/n)."

"Night Mom."

(Y/n) didn't see her mother until the next day. There was a meeting between the Mewman kingdom and their neighboring kingdom. As the princess and future queen, (y/n) was forced to attend. However, when she took her seat, she realized it wasn't going to be quite as boring as she imagined. Her childhood friend, prince (f/n), would be there too! She hadn't seen him since she was thirteen.

The meeting began immediately, so the two didn't have time to converse. However, while their parents spoke about trade and economy, they spent the time making faces at each other from opposite sides of the table. It began with (y/n) playfully sticking out a tongue, and quickly moved to twisting their features in unrecognizable ways. They tried to quiet their endless giggles, but they received more than one annoyed glance to prove they were being far too loud anyways.

When the meeting finished, Moon approached her daughter with a smile. "(Y/n), dear, is that him?" She nodded at (f/n), and without waiting for her daughter's reply, she rushed over to him and pulled him slightly to the side. "(F/n), I am ever so happy she chose you!"

(F/n) gave her a confused face for a second, being catching sight of (y/n)'s pleading face. "Uh, yeah," he replied, looking back at Moon. "Me too." Moon turned away and rejoined her husband with a smile, leaving the two youngsters alone in the room. "What was with that, (y/n)?" he asked.

"I... I guess I have to tell you everything. Come with me," she replied. She left the room without hesitation, (f/n) in toe, and headed to her room. Once in the safety of her bedroom, she sat on the bed with a sigh. "(F/n), you have to promise not to tell anyone. I mean anyone at all. Okay?"

He sat down next to her. "Of course!"

"I've been seeing someone. Well, not really seeing. I found him in the forest, and I healed all his wounds. Last night, he came back and took me on a date. At least, I think it was a date. But anyways, my mom caught me sneaking back in, and she kinda guessed I was seeing someone and she wanted to meet him. I guess she thought you were him..."

"I see," replied (f/n). He spoke slowly and seemed to be thinking and taking in all she was saying. "Why don't you just tell your mother the truth?"

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