Toffee x Reader Part 4

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Healing Broken Hearts

(This is going to be the last part before the finale, which will be broken up in to two parts with separate endings! This will let you guys choose the path you like the best. ❤️)

Toffee once again had disappeared from (y/n)'s nights. The whole event with her mother had driven the lizard away. It had been over a week and there had not been a single sign of him. Like she had before, she would sit by her window and wonder if he would even come back at all. She would listen for any sounds that might mean that he was close. She would squint her eyes in hopes of them adjusting to the shadows.

Alas, it was all in vain, for Toffee had rarely left his home since the last time he was at the Butterfly Castle. He was paranoid, though he refused to admit it. He knew Moon had seen him. He didn't have any idea if people were hunting him or if security had been tightened since his last visit. He wasn't strong enough to face Moon the Undaunted and her army. Not yet. He had to think through his plan carefully, and he could not return to the castle until everything was ready.

He would pace back and forth in his living room, lost in thought. He would occasionally stop by the window to stare up at the distant castle. Somehow, he know (y/n) would be looking back at him if only she could see through the darkness like he could. The thought made his heart warm, as much as he tried to stop it from doing so. Strangely enough to him, he found himself often thinking of the princess. These feelings were new to him. He had spent his long life alone, rarely taking friends. He didn't intend for these emotions to gather in his mind, to blur his focus, or even sway him from his intentions.

Back at the castle, (y/n) sighed and turned her gaze up to the stars.

"Why am I like this?" she asked, as if the celestial lights could answer her. "He's a monster, I'm a mewman, a princess, in fact! There's no way we could ever be together..." She rested her head on her arms and let out another sigh before getting to her feet and finally going to her bed.

All the late nights had been taking a noticable tole on her sleep. Her mother was beginning to worry, offering to have a sleep tonic made if she was having trouble getting rest. Of course (y/n) brushed it off, saying she would get over it soon enough. Despite this claim, the princess would fall asleep during meetings with important people from other kingdoms, or in the middle of completing tasks.

Another two nearly sleepless nights had passed before the lizard's yellow eyes broke the steady blackness of the night. (Y/n) had almost mistaken them for two shining stars that had lost their way to the sky and chose to wander the land of Mewni instead. It took the sound of his voice to break her from her exhaustion induced trance.

"Princess?" His charming head peeked in to her room. He nearly expected Queen Moon to be in her place.

(Y/n) stepped back from the window.

"Oh, I've missed you so much, Toffee!" (Y/n) ran in to his embrace once he got his bearings on the floor of the tower.

"And I you, my dear," he responded in a hushed voice. He laid a hand on the side of her face and gazed down at her (e/c) eyes. "Your smile rivals the stars, darling," he complimented before giving her a gentle kiss on her lips.

Upon pulling away, Toffee cast a nervous glance around the room, his eyes finally landing on the wand that rested on her nightstand.


He blinked at the sound of his name. "Hm. Yes, my princess?"

"Are you okay? You've been gone so long..."

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