Toffee x Reader Part 5 💔

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Healing Broken Hearts


The lizard drew a breath as (y/n) hesitated. He was truly afraid for once in his life. There were many times where he should have been scared of something. Losing his life, getting injured, starving. He had been through it all, but it had made him numb to such encounters. It allowed him to survive. Now was different. Now was important.

"I trusted you." Tears were streaming down her face. Her voice was quivering as if she could barely bring herself to speak. "You betrayed me!" She snatched the wand from the table and stormed towards the door. She stopped in the doorway. "I don't know why I ever trusted a monster like you!" She ran off in to the woods.

Toffee didn't bother to close the door. He threw himself on to the couch. He let himself be weak. He let himself feel. He let himself get hurt. He would never allow it to happen again.

(Y/n) stumbled through the forest. Tears blinded her. She tripped over roots and rocks, which left her with scraped knees and a ripped dress.

The castle looked magical in the rain, as if she was in another world. For a moment, she could almost pretend she was in some different dimension and nothing bad had happened to her. She began her ascent with these thoughts in mind.

"(Y/n), there you are!" Her mother was waiting in her room when she entered through the window. "Oh my, where were you? You're so dirty!" Moon gently grabbed her daughter's shoulder and guided her to the stairs. She brought her to be bathed and bandaged, despite (y/n) claiming she could do it herself.

"What ever happened to you?" Moon persisted.

"I was... attacked by a monster." (Y/n) lied. This only increased her mother's worry. By the end of Moon's frantic questioning, she had fabricated a tale about how she had gone for a morning stroll, only to be attacked by a shadow who wanted her magic for itself. "I barely escaped with my life!"

Moon hugged her tightly. "Oh my child! I'm so glad you're safe! You shouldn't be wandering around the forest alone and unprotected. You could have died! I'll have your father send a patrol of guards to the forest to find whatever dared attack you."


Years had passed since (y/n) last saw Toffee, and yet here he was in the village. He had an army behind him, and blood on his hands. He had no mercy. None was left in him once she was gone.

He finally reached the castle gates. (Y/n) was queen now, and he knew it. She was far weaker than her mother. She was unmarried and without any children. This was his chance to rid the world of magic forever, and he would do anything to succeed.

(Sorry this one is much shorter than the other choice! I couldn't think of what else to add. ;-; )

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