Chapter 15

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*Harry's POV*

When we arrived home, Ainsley was asleep so I brought her up to her room. As I was laying her onto the bed, her tired blue eyes opened. She faintly gave me a smile. I pulled the covers over her small body, turned off the light and walked over to the door.

Before I touched the handle, I heard a small voice, "Harry wait." I looked back towards the beautiful blonde staring at me with those eyes. Those dazzling blue eyes. They get me every time.

"Please stay," she begs. I nod, take off my dress shirt and pants and climb into the bed made for two. She's still in her itchy dress, and she seemed to notice because she sat up and hopped down from the bed. She grabbed some pajamas from her drawer.

"Turn around," she says, smiling.

I roll my eyes and face the other way. I can hear the little plop from her dress dropping onto the floor. Soon she climbs back into her bed and cuddles up to me. I could get used to this.

I turn back around, facing her and pull her into my chest. She wraps her small hand around mine and shuts her eyes. After a few minutes, her breathing steadies and her grip loosens.

• • • • • •

*Ainsley's POV*

I wake up, my legs tangled in between Harry's and sweaty. I look up at him, still asleep. He looks so calm and at peace, and just for a split second I feel that way too. Just for a second.

His eyes slowly open, and spot me.

"Hey," he says, his thick accent raspy and groggy.

"Hi," I say quietly. "Thank you for staying last night," I tell him.

Instead of saying anything, he pulls me into a hug. I can smell the left over mint cologne on him.

"Harry?" Niall calls throughout the hallway, interrupting.

He pulls away quickly and leaves the bed to get his clothes on.

"Niall can't see us like this," he says.

"We weren't doing anything," I remind him.

"Yeah, I know, but if they get the wrong idea then I will never live it down," he frantically explains.

"Oh," I say. That's all I could say, his words stung. I thought he was at least my friend.

There's a quiet knock on the door, "Ainsley? you awake?" Niall whispers.

Harry looks at me, pleading with his eyes to tell Niall to go away.

"Yeah I'm awake," I say, "but don't come in! I'm naked."

"Oh, erm, okay I'll see you down stairs for breakfast then, it's ready," Niall says a bit awkwardly.

Great, now it's awkward between not only Harry and I, but now Niall too.

Harry waits until he hears the footsteps fade away, then leaves my room. He left, just like everybody else. I thought he was different.

For what seems like the one hundredth time, I start to cry. But I wipe away the tears. I'm not letting him hurt me like everyone else did. I'm going to walk downstairs with my head held high and ignore him. If there's one thing Harry needs to know about me, it's that I can hold a grudge

After sloppily putting my hair in a pony tail, I pull on a sweatshirt over my tank top, since it's a bit cold in the house.

I join everyone in the kitchen, avoiding any eye contact with Harry. I take the seat in between Liam and Zayn and eat the pancakes on my plate before me. Everyone is talking at the breakfast table except for me and Harry.

"So, Ainsley, how did you sleep?" Mairead asks politely.

"I slept okay, I guess." I could feel Harry's stare as I spoke.

As soon as I finished my pancakes I went straight up stairs and to my room. I haven't been on my phone in quite a while, so I turned it on and all of my notifications were blowing up. First, I checked twitter. There were thousands of things about last night. There was one that stuck out to me the most.

"So this is the mystery girl? The one to fight with her father?"

I clicked on the tweet and it had a link attached to it. The link brought me to a magazine website and the headline was, "'Daddy Daughter Fight?'"

Underneath it was a picture of me yelling at my father. On the plus side, I looked good. Next to the picture was a small article summarizing the movie and for it's big finale, our fight. I scroll down a bit more and see another picture. It's Harry punching my father.

I quickly close it out, I don't want to think about either of them. Next I select Instagram in the top right corner of my phone. I had a bunch of pictures tagged of me yelling at my father and me being guided by Harry into the premiere ahead of time. So that's who it was. Why does he always pop up?

I scroll down my feed and see that even my favorite One Direction account posted the picture of Harry and I.

After seeing pictures of me plastered all over my feed, I click on my profile. It reads "1.2m". I already have over one million followers. This is crazy!

I go back onto twitter and see that I have 1.5 million followers on there. I don't like all of this attention.

I turn off my phone once again. I think I'm just going to stay off of it for a while and keep myself occupied in ways other than social media.

There's a knock on my door, "Ainsley?" Zayn asked.

"Come in," I mumble.

"Hey, erm, you okay?" he questions, careful not to upset me.

"Zayn, I haven't been okay for a long time," I admit, my voice trailing off.

"Erm, do you need to talk? I'm shit at giving advice but I can listen," he smiles.

"Sure," I say, patting the bed, motioning him to sit next to me.

He walks over, and takes a seat next to me. "So," he begins, "tell me everything."

I nod, taking a deep breath. I'm about to tell a member of the biggest boy band in the world my life story. Should I trust him? Who knows, but he offered to listen so I might as well take the opportunity to get this load off of my chest.


Starting the next chapter now but I won't update until probably Monday because my weekend is full of soccer! Xoxo

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